
Like n-queens problem, only with more different chess pieces.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Designed to solve the chess challenge described in 'ChessChallenge.pdf'.


Given a sequence of chess pieces and the dimensions width and height of the board, returns all configurations for which all of the pieces can be placed without threatening each other. A piece must be one of: :king :queen :bishop :rook :knight.

Additonal argument is :count-only?, for not collecting and printing all solutions, but only returning the number of unique configurations.

This is recommended for bigger board sizes, to save memory and not trying to print out millions of boards.

Example for bigger boards:

lein run '[:king :king :queen :queen :bishop :bishop :knight]' 7 7 :count-only? true

For smaller boards:

lein run '[:king :king :rook]' 3 3


Copyright © 2015 Michael Sappler

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.