Deploy to AWS Lambda (First time)

sam build --profile csx --region us-east-1

sam deploy --stack-name sam-lambda
--profile csx
--region us-east-1

Deploy to AWS Lambda (Subsequent times)

sam build --profile csx --region us-east-1

sam deploy

Destroy infrastructure

sam delete --no-prompts --profile csx

CloudWatch Endpoints


Type: GET

Purposes: Lists all the namespaces that exist within the cloudwatch metrics for the current aws region

Sample Endpoint:


Type: GET

Query Params: namespace - retrieved from list-cloudwatch-namespaces call

Purposes: Get all available metrics for a namespace. This returns the metrics as well as a list of all the dimensions for that metric

Sample Endpoint:


Type: POST

Query Params: namespace - retrieved from list-cloudwatch-namespaces call metricName - retrieved from the list-cloudwatch-metrics call

Body: The body is the dimension we want to retrieve. The list-cloudwatch-metrics call returns a list of dimensions for a metric and namespace combination. We need to pass in 1 of these metrics

Sample Endpoint:

Sample Endpoint:

Sample Body

    "Name": "Function",
    "Value": "Scheduler"
    "Name": "Environment",
    "Value": "csx-nonprod-dataops"

Query Params

The following query parameters can be sent with the fetch-cloudwatch-metrics api call or just use the defaults as per the table.

Note: namespace and metricName are required query params

Query Parameter Required Default Value Description
namespace Yes
metricName Yes
period No 60
stat No Sum
label No label Descriptive lable for the data being returned (e.g. CPUUtilization, peak of ${MAX} was at ${MAX_TIME})
scanBy No TimestampDescending How to order the metrics. Valid values are TimestampDescending or TimestampAscending
previousDays No 0 Number of days to retrieve metrics for - 0 is current day, 1 is current day and previous day etc.

Sagemaker Endpoints


Type: GET

Purposes: Lists all the training jobs that exist in AWS for the current aws region

Sample Endpoint:


Type: GET

Query Params: trainingJobName - the trainingJobName retrieved in the list training jobs call

Purposes: Get the details from a specific training job

Sample Endpoint:


Type: GET

Purposes: Lists all the endpoints exist in AWS for the current aws region

Sample Endpoint:


Type: GET

Query Params: endpoint - the endpoint retrieved in the list endpoints call

od - the od value to retrieve from the dataset

Purposes: Invokes an endpoint in AWS for the current region

Sample Endpoint:

OpsGenie Endpoints


Type: GET

Purposes: Fetchs all alerts for the currently logged in api key

Sample Endpoint:


Type: POST

Body: The body is the details of the alert that need to be created

Sample Endpoint:

Sample Body

Note: Message is the only required body attribute

	"message": "Sample Message",
	"alias": "python_sample_alias",
	"description": "Sample of SDK v2 description",
	"responders": [{
		"name": "Name",
		"type": "team"
	"visible_to": [{
		"name": "Sample name",
		"type": "team"
	"actions": ["Restart", "AnExampleAction"],
	"tags": ["OverwriteQuietHours"],
	"details": {
		"details key1": "value1",
		"details key2": "value2"
	"entity": "An example entity",
  "source": "source"
	"priority": "P3",
  "user": "user",
  "note": "note"