sam build --profile csx --region us-east-1
sam deploy --stack-name sam-lambda
--profile csx
--region us-east-1
sam build --profile csx --region us-east-1
sam deploy
sam delete --no-prompts --profile csx
Type: GET
Purposes: Lists all the namespaces that exist within the cloudwatch metrics for the current aws region
Sample Endpoint:
Type: GET
Query Params: namespace - retrieved from list-cloudwatch-namespaces call
Purposes: Get all available metrics for a namespace. This returns the metrics as well as a list of all the dimensions for that metric
Sample Endpoint:
Type: POST
Query Params: namespace - retrieved from list-cloudwatch-namespaces call metricName - retrieved from the list-cloudwatch-metrics call
Body: The body is the dimension we want to retrieve. The list-cloudwatch-metrics call returns a list of dimensions for a metric and namespace combination. We need to pass in 1 of these metrics
Sample Endpoint:
"Name": "Function",
"Value": "Scheduler"
"Name": "Environment",
"Value": "csx-nonprod-dataops"
The following query parameters can be sent with the fetch-cloudwatch-metrics api call or just use the defaults as per the table.
Note: namespace and metricName are required query params
Query Parameter | Required | Default Value | Description |
namespace | Yes | | |
metricName | Yes | | |
period | No | 60 | |
stat | No | Sum | |
label | No | label | Descriptive lable for the data being returned (e.g. CPUUtilization, peak of ${MAX} was at ${MAX_TIME}) |
scanBy | No | TimestampDescending | How to order the metrics. Valid values are TimestampDescending or TimestampAscending |
previousDays | No | 0 | Number of days to retrieve metrics for - 0 is current day, 1 is current day and previous day etc. |
Type: GET
Purposes: Lists all the training jobs that exist in AWS for the current aws region
Sample Endpoint:
Type: GET
Query Params: trainingJobName - the trainingJobName retrieved in the list training jobs call
Purposes: Get the details from a specific training job
Sample Endpoint:
Type: GET
Purposes: Lists all the endpoints exist in AWS for the current aws region
Sample Endpoint:
Type: GET
Query Params: endpoint - the endpoint retrieved in the list endpoints call
od - the od value to retrieve from the dataset
Purposes: Invokes an endpoint in AWS for the current region
Sample Endpoint:
Type: GET
Purposes: Fetchs all alerts for the currently logged in api key
Sample Endpoint:
Type: POST
Body: The body is the details of the alert that need to be created
Sample Endpoint:
Note: Message is the only required body attribute
"message": "Sample Message",
"alias": "python_sample_alias",
"description": "Sample of SDK v2 description",
"responders": [{
"name": "Name",
"type": "team"
"visible_to": [{
"name": "Sample name",
"type": "team"
"actions": ["Restart", "AnExampleAction"],
"tags": ["OverwriteQuietHours"],
"details": {
"details key1": "value1",
"details key2": "value2"
"entity": "An example entity",
"source": "source"
"priority": "P3",
"user": "user",
"note": "note"