As a new player in the overwhelming world of DnD I wanted to help me understand the concepts of the game by tracking things I struggle to remember on my mobile device and try to provide quick look ups to things I do not know. This application uses the API to help supply the data on monsters, spells, etc.
Updated: Spells tab can now add spells with filters from the api. Still need to add filtering by spell name. The app utilizes a FragmentStatePagerAdapter because I am not aware of how many spells a user might have at an instance. Therefore, instead of holding possible 20 spells in memory, it will destroy these spells when not in view.
This is a goal driven learning experience. There is so much I have to learn and would not have made this much progress without these resources to help me structure and build my application.
- Navigation Drawer
- PageindicatorView
- Room database setup
- Sending the spells from activities
- Fix the character sheet (start page that user sees first).
- Support the search function to look up items, monsters, etc.
- Support Spell name filtering and suggestions drop down menu.
- Support different device sizes as well as horizontal view.
- Support settings tab which allows different themse, fonts and possibly character sheets.