
Modeling a multi-alpha factor stock portfolio. For Udacity's AI for Trading Nanodegree.

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Project: Alpha Research and Multi-Factor Modeling

Construct a portfolio based on alpha and risk factor research.

For Udacity's AI for Trading Nanodegree.

Topic: Multi-Factor Models.


  • Implementing a portfolio risk model and five alpha factors from scratch.
  • Predicting performance, and then optimizing the portfolio using multiple optimization formulations.
  • The datasets are a set of end-of-day stock prices that comes from Quotemedia, as well as sector data organized by Sharadar.


  • Modeling portfolio risk with PCA.
  • Using Zipline to code up a full testing pipeline.
  • Evaluating alpha factors by the Sharpe ratio, factor-weighted returns, quantile analysis, and turnover analysis.
  • Optimizing factor weights by using CVXPY to formulate and maximize convex functions that include strict factor constraints and target weighting.

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