Yale Insulin Infusion Protocol


The Yale Insulin Infusion (YII) is a protocol that aims to control blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic patients in critical care. This implementation serves to enable YII as a REST api deployed on Algorithmia.

Note snomed codes used below:

Code Description
325064004 Insulin soluble human 100units/mL injection solution 10mL vial (product)
258666001 Unit
258949000 Unit/hour
255560000 Intravenous
166888009 Blood glucose method


Compute Initial Bolus and Infusion

Example Input

  "current_bg": 300

Example Output

  "at_target_bg": false,
  "bolus": {
    "dose": 3,
    "frequency": "once",
    "product": 325064004,
    "route": 255560000,
    "uom": 258666001
  "current_bg": 300,
  "infusion": {
    "product": 325064004,
    "rate": 3,
    "route": 255560000,
    "uom": 258949000
  "next_bg_check": 60

Compute Infusion

Example Input

  "hourly_bg_change": 0,
  "consecutive_bg_in_target_count": 0,
  "current_rate": 3,
  "current_bg": 300

Example Output

  "at_target_bg": false,
  "current_bg": 300,
  "infusion": {
    "product": 325064004,
    "rate": [[0, 4]],
    "route": 255560000,
    "uom": 258949000
  "next_bg_check": 60


Reference: Shetty S, Inzucchi SE, Goldberg PA, Cooper D, Siegel MD, Honiden S. Adapting to the new consensus guidelines for managing hyperglycemia during critical illness: The Updated Yale Insulin Infusion Protocol. Endocr Pract. 2012;18:363-370. <http://inpatient.aace.com/sites/all/files/Yale_IIP_MICU120-160_2011.pdf; Accessed 06/28/2017>

PDF can also be found here: https://github.com/damondouglas/yaleinsulindrip/files/1112949/Yale_IIP_MICU120-160_2011.pdf


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