Responds to /r/AskReddit posts using an OpenAI GPT-3 model trained on the top 1000 most upvoted posts and their top comments

Primary LanguagePython


Responds to /r/AskReddit posts using an OpenAI GPT-3 model trained on the top 1000 most upvoted posts and their top comments.

Reddit account using this model - The account has since been banned since Reddit doesn't allow bots.

I scraped the Reddit data using PRAW. I would have used more than 1000 entries but OpenAI's free trial usage only allows a certain amount of spending and this dataset already uses half of it. On top of that, Reddit's API has a limit on how many submissions you can pull at once, which, you guessed it, is 1000.

How to train the model and use it

  1. Install the latest version of Python, make sure to add to PATH
  2. Create an API key on OpenAI's site
  3. Create a Reddit app
  4. Clone the repository, then navigate to its directory and run the following commands:
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  $ openai api fine_tunes.create -t data.jsonl -m text-davinci-003
  1. Wait until the fine tune is completed, you can check with:
  $ openai api fine_tunes.follow -i <YOUR_FINE_TUNE_JOB_ID>
  1. After the fine tune is done, run this command and obtain the name from the latest response's 'fine_tuned_model' field:
  $ openai api fine_tunes.list
  1. Set the variables at the top of AskGPT.py

You can then run the file. If you want it to run every so often set up a scheduler (I used Heroku Schedule)