
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License



An awesome way to display your photos as an digital photo frame
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This project is not affiliated with immich!

About The Project

This project is a digital photo frame application that interfaces with your immich server. It is a cross-platform C# .NET 8 project that currently supports Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Built With

  • Avalonia

✨ Demo

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 10 10 04 AM

Getting Started

ImmichFrame is easy to run on your desired plattform. Get the latest stable release from the release page and unzip to desired folder (Linux, macOS, Windows), or install APK (Android).


The Android-Version of ImmichFrame is available on the Google Play Store. Download it via the store for automatic updates.


  • A set up and functioning immich server that is accessible by the network of the ImmichFrame device.


Docker (WebApp)


name: immichframe
    container_name: immichframe
    image: ghcr.io/immichframe/immichframe:latest
    restart: on-failure
      - PATH/TO/CONFIG:/app/Config
      - "8080:8080"
      TZ: "Europe/Berlin"

Docker Run

docker run -td \
  --name immichFrame \
  --restart on-failure \
  -v PATH/TO/CONFIG:/app/Config \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" \


  • GUI - Double-click Immich_Frame.
  • CLI - CD into folder, and launch with ./Immich_Frame.
  • SSH - CD into folder, and launch with DISPLAY=:0.0 ./Immich_Frame.
  • Ubuntu Desktop - Right-click Immich_Frame, properties, set 'Execute as program' to True, OK. Right-click Immich_Frame, Open with, choose 'Run Software', always use for this file type TRUE.
  • If you get a permissions error run chmod +x Immich_Frame.

Autostart on Raspberry Pi OS

The latest Raspberry Pi OS, Bookworm uses Wayland as default, but also includes X11. The following assumes standard user is pi and you are working on a fresh install of "Raspberry Pi OS with desktop". To autostart ImmichFrame in Wayland, run nano /home/pi/.config/wayfire.ini in terminal, to add the following at the end.

immichframe=/home/pi/{dir with Immich_Frame}/Immich_Frame

Wayland does not have an easy way to hide the cursor. If you want that, then change to X11 as the default desktop session through running sudo raspi-config in terminal, then Advanced Options → Wayland → X11. Then install unclutter:

sudo apt install -y unclutter-xfixes

After this, copy the default autostart file to your home folder and add a line to enable autostart, by running the following in terminal:

cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
echo "@/home/pi/{dir with Immich_Frame}/Immich_Frame" > sudo tee /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart


  • Double-click Immich_Frame.exe.
  • Screensaver - Rename Immich_Frame.exe to Immich_Frame.scr. Right-click → Install. Configure screensaver settings and apply.
    • You will still have to click middle/bottom in the app to exit screensaver.


  • GUI - Double-click Immich_Frame. Note: If nothing happens, right-click → open with → Utilities → Terminal. Check Always Open With.
  • CLI - CD into folder, and launch with ./Immich_Frame.
  • If you get a permissions error run chmod +x Immich_Frame.

Android Screensaver

  • Run the app normally and configure settings.
  • Go to Settings, Display, Advanced, Screen Saver, Current Screen Saver, choose ImmichFrame. Settings, Display, Advanced, Sleep, choose your sleep timeout. The menu options may differ slightly on different Android versions.

Android TV Screensaver

  • If you are unable to set ImmichFrame as a screen saver you may need to run this ADB command adb shell settings put secure screensaver_components com.immichframe.immichframe/.ScreenSaverService


There are two options for configuring ImmichFrame; Settings.json (Linux, macOS, Windows), or a GUI based settings screen (all platforms).



Make sure to copy the Settings.example.json and name it Settings.json.

  1. Rename the Settings.example.json file to Settings.json

  2. Change ImmichServerUrl to your domain or local ip

    "ImmichServerUrl": "http://yourdomain.com",
    "ImmichServerUrl": "",
  3. Change ApiKey. Read more about how to obtain an immich API key

    "ApiKey": "YourApiKey",
  4. Optional: Choose albums you would like to display

    "Albums": ["First Album UID","Second Album UID"],

    You can get the Album UID from the URL of the album. For this URL: https://demo.immich.app/albums/85c85b29-c95d-4a8b-90f7-c87da1d518ba this is the UID: 85c85b29-c95d-4a8b-90f7-c87da1d518ba

  5. Optional: Choose people you would like to display

     "People": ["First Person UID","Second Person UID"],

    You can get the Person UID from the URL of the person. For this URL: https://demo.immich.app/people/faff4d55-e859-4f6c-ae34-80f14da486c7 this is the UID: faff4d55-e859-4f6c-ae34-80f14da486c7

  6. Optional: Weather is enabled by entering an API key. Get yours free from OpenWeatherMap

    "WeatherApiKey": "YourApiKey",
    "WeatherLatLong": "YourLatitude,YourLongitude",
  1. Adjust other settings to your needs

Settings GUI

The same information as in Settings.json will be enterred from this screen. Can be enterred at any time by clicking the upper middle quadrant of the screen (or Up arrow key), see Interactions section. Settings can also be backup/restored from here.



The screen is configured in a 3x3 gird. You can touch or click:

- Settings -
Pause Next
- Quit -


Settings - Up arrow
Quit - Down arrow
Prev Image - Left arrow
Next Image - Right arrow
Pause - Enter/Return


  • Display random assets
  • Display Albums
  • Display Memories
  • Android build
  • Add License
  • Web app
  • Add Additional Templates w/ Examples

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


GNU General Public License v3.0


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