Progress Tracker

The JavaScript language

An introduction

  • An Introduction to JavaScript

  • Manuals and specifications

  • Code editors

  • Developer console

JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Hello, world!

    • tasks:
    • Show an alert
    • Show an alert with an external script
  • Code structure

  • The modern mode, "use strict"

  • Variables

    • tasks:
    • Working with variables
    • Giving the right name
    • Uppercase const?
  • Data types

    • tasks:
    • String quotes
  • Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

    • tasks:
    • A simple page
  • Type Conversions

  • Basic operators, maths

    • tasks:
    • The postfix and prefix forms
    • Assignment result
    • Type conversions
    • Fix the addition
  • Comparisons

    • tasks:
    • Comparisons
  • Conditional branching: if, '?'

    • tasks:
    • if (a string with zero)
    • The name of JavaScript
    • Show the sign
    • Rewrite 'if' into '?'
    • Rewrite 'if..else' into '?'
  • Logical operators

    • tasks:
    • What's the result of OR?
    • What's the result of OR'ed alerts?
    • What is the result of AND?
    • What is the result of AND'ed alerts?
    • The result of OR AND OR
    • Check the range between
    • Check the range outside
    • A question about "if"
    • Check the login
  • Nullish coalescing operator '??'

  • Loops: while and for

    • tasks:
    • Last loop value
    • Which values does the while loop show?
    • Which values get shown by the "for" loop?
    • Output even numbers in the loop
    • Replace "for" with "while"
    • Repeat until the input is correct
    • Output prime numbers
  • The "switch" statement

    • tasks:
    • Rewrite the "switch" into an "if"
    • Rewrite "if" into "switch"
  • Functions

    • tasks:
    • Is "else" required?
    • Rewrite the function using '?' or '||'
    • Function min(a, b)
    • Function pow(x,n)
  • Function expressions

  • Arrow functions, the basics

    • tasks:
    • Rewrite with arrow functions
  • JavaScript specials

Code quality

  • Debugging in the browser

  • Coding Style

    • tasks:
    • Bad style
  • Comments

  • Ninja code

  • Automated testing with Mocha

    • tasks:
    • What's wrong in the test?
  • Polyfills and transpilers

Objects: the basics

  • Objects

    • tasks:
    • Hello, object
    • Check for emptiness
    • Sum object properties
    • Multiply numeric property values by 2
  • Object references and copying

  • Garbage collection

  • Object methods, "this"

    • tasks:
    • Using "this" in object literal
    • Create a calculator
    • Chaining
  • Constructor, operator "new"

    • tasks:
    • Two functions - one object
    • Create new Calculator
    • Create new Accumulator
  • Optional chaining '?.'

  • Symbol type

  • Object to primitive conversion

Data types

  • Methods of primitives

    • tasks:
    • Can I add a string property?
  • Numbers

    • tasks:
    • Sum numbers from the visitor
    • Why 6.35.toFixed(1) == 6.3?
    • Repeat until the input is a number
    • An occasional infinite loop
    • A random number from min to max
    • A random integer from min to max
  • Strings

    • tasks:
    • Uppercase the first character
    • Check for spam
    • Truncate the text
    • Extract the money
  • Arrays

    • tasks:
    • Is array copied?
    • Array operations.
    • Calling in an array context
    • Sum input numbers
    • A maximal subarray
  • Array methods

    • tasks:
    • Translate border-left-width to borderLeftWidth
    • Filter range
    • Filter range "in place"
    • Sort in decreasing order
    • Copy and sort array
    • Create an extendable calculator
    • Map to names
    • Map to objects
    • Sort users by age
    • Shuffle an array
    • Get average age
    • Filter unique array members
    • Create keyed object from array
  • Iterables

  • Map and Set

    • tasks:
    • Filter unique array members
    • Filter anagrams
    • Iterable keys
  • WeakMap and WeakSet

    • tasks:
    • Store "unread" flags
    • Store read dates
  • Object.keys, values, entries

    • tasks:
    • Sum the properties
    • Count properties
  • Destructuring assignment

    • tasks:
    • Destructuring assignment
    • The maximal salary
  • Date and time

    • tasks:
    • Create a date
    • Show a weekday
    • European weekday
    • Which day of month was many days ago?
    • Last day of month?
    • How many seconds have passed today?
    • How many seconds till tomorrow?
    • Format the relative date
  • JSON methods, toJSON

    • tasks:
    • Turn the object into JSON and back
    • Exclude backreferences

Advanced working with functions

  • Recursion and stack

    • tasks:
    • Sum all numbers till the given one
    • Calculate factorial
    • Fibonacci numbers
    • Output a single-linked list
    • Output a single-linked list in the reverse order
  • Rest parameters and spread syntax

  • Variable scope, closure

    • tasks:
    • Does a function pickup latest changes?
    • Which variables are available?
    • Are counters independent?
    • Counter object
    • Function in if
    • Sum with closures
    • Is variable visible?
    • Filter through function
    • Sort by field
    • Army of functions
  • The old "var"

  • Global object

  • Function object, NFE

    • tasks:
    • Set and decrease for counter
    • Sum with an arbitrary amount of brackets
  • The "new Function" syntax

  • Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval

    • tasks:
    • Output every second
    • What will setTimeout show?
  • Decorators and forwarding, call/apply

    • tasks:
    • Spy decorator
    • Delaying decorator
    • Debounce decorator
    • Throttle decorator
  • Function binding

    • tasks:
    • Bound function as a method
    • Second bind
    • Function property after bind
    • Fix a function that loses "this"
    • Partial application for login
  • Arrow functions revisited

Object properties configuration

  • Property flags and descriptors

  • Property getters and setters

Prototypes, inheritance

  • Prototypal inheritance

    • tasks:
    • Working with prototype
    • Searching algorithm
    • Where does it write?
    • Why are both hamsters full?
  • F.prototype

    • tasks:
    • Changing "prototype"
    • Create an object with the same constructor
  • Native prototypes

    • tasks:
    • Add method "f.defer(ms)" to functions
    • Add the decorating "defer()" to functions
  • Prototype methods, objects without proto

    • tasks:
    • Add toString to the dictionary
    • The difference between calls


  • Class basic syntax

    • tasks:
    • Rewrite to class
  • Class inheritance

    • tasks:
    • Error creating an instance
    • Extended clock
  • Static properties and methods

    • tasks:
    • Class extends Object?
  • Private and protected properties and methods

  • Extending built-in classes

  • Class checking: "instanceof"

    • tasks:
    • Strange instanceof
  • Mixins

Error handling

  • Error handling, "try...catch"

    • tasks:
    • Finally or just the code?
  • Custom errors, extending Error

    • tasks:
    • Inherit from SyntaxError

Promises, async/await

  • Introduction: callbacks

  • Promise

    • tasks:
    • Re-resolve a promise?
    • Delay with a promise
    • Animated circle with promise
  • Promises chaining

    • tasks:
    • Promise: then versus catch
  • Error handling with promises

    • tasks:
    • Error in setTimeout
  • Promise API

  • Promisification

  • Microtasks

  • Async/await

    • tasks:
    • Rewrite using async/await
    • Rewrite "rethrow" with async/await
    • Call async from non-async

Generators, advanced iteration

  • Generators

    • tasks:
    • Pseudo-random generator
  • Async iteration and generators


  • Modules, introduction

  • Export and Import

  • Dynamic imports


  • Proxy and Reflect

    • tasks:
    • Error on reading non-existent property
    • Accessing array[-1]
    • Observable
  • Eval: run a code string

    • tasks:
    • Eval-calculator
  • Currying

  • Reference Type

    • tasks:
    • Syntax check
    • Explain the value of "this"
  • BigInt

  • Unicode, String internals

Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


  • Browser environment, specs

  • DOM tree

  • Walking the DOM

    • tasks:
    • DOM children
    • The sibling question
    • Select all diagonal cells
  • Searching: getElement*, querySelector*

    • tasks:
    • Search for elements
  • Node properties: type, tag and contents

    • tasks:
    • Count descendants
    • What's in the nodeType?
    • Tag in comment
    • Where's the "document" in the hierarchy?
  • Attributes and properties

    • tasks:
    • Get the attribute
    • Make external links orange
  • Modifying the document

    • tasks:
    • createTextNode vs innerHTML vs textContent
    • Clear the element
    • Why does "aaa" remain?
    • Create a list
    • Create a tree from the object
    • Show descendants in a tree
    • Create a calendar
    • Colored clock with setInterval
    • Insert the HTML in the list
    • Sort the table
  • Styles and classes

    • tasks:
    • Create a notification
  • Element size and scrolling

    • tasks:
    • What's the scroll from the bottom?
    • What is the scrollbar width?
    • Place the ball in the field center
    • The difference: CSS width versus clientWidth
  • Window sizes and scrolling

  • Coordinates

    • tasks:
    • Find window coordinates of the field
    • Show a note near the element
    • Show a note near the element (absolute)
    • Position the note inside (absolute)

Introduction to Events

  • Introduction to browser events

    • tasks:
    • Hide on click
    • Hide self
    • Which handlers run?
    • Move the ball across the field
    • Create a sliding menu
    • Add a closing button
    • Carousel
  • Bubbling and capturing

  • Event delegation

    • tasks:
    • Hide messages with delegation
    • Tree menu
    • Sortable table
    • Tooltip behavior
  • Browser default actions

    • tasks:
    • Why "return false" doesn't work?
    • Catch links in the element
    • Image gallery
  • Dispatching custom events

UI Events

  • Mouse events

    • tasks:
    • Selectable list
  • Moving the mouse: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave

    • tasks:
    • Improved tooltip behavior
    • "Smart" tooltip
  • Drag'n'Drop with mouse events

    • tasks:
    • Slider
    • Drag superheroes around the field
  • Pointer events

  • Keyboard: keydown and keyup

    • tasks:
    • Extended hotkeys
  • Scrolling

    • tasks:
    • Endless page
    • Up/down button
    • Load visible images

Forms, controls

  • Form properties and methods

    • tasks:
    • Add an option to select
  • Focusing: focus/blur

    • tasks:
    • Editable div
    • Edit TD on click
    • Keyboard-driven mouse
  • Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste

    • tasks:
    • Deposit calculator
  • Forms: event and method submit

    • tasks:
    • Modal form

Document and resource loading

  • Page: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload

  • Scripts: async, defer

  • Resource loading: onload and onerror

    • tasks:
    • Load images with a callback


  • Mutation observer

  • Selection and Range

  • Event loop: microtasks and macrotasks

    • tasks:
    • What will be the output of this code?

Additional articles

Frames and windows

  • Popups and window methods

  • Cross-window communication

  • The clickjacking attack

Binary data, files

  • ArrayBuffer, binary arrays

    • tasks:
    • Concatenate typed arrays
  • TextDecoder and TextEncoder

  • Blob

  • File and FileReader

Network requests

  • Fetch

    • tasks:
    • Fetch users from GitHub
  • FormData

  • Fetch: Download progress

  • Fetch: Abort

  • Fetch: Cross-Origin Requests

    • tasks:
    • Why do we need Origin?
  • Fetch API

  • URL objects

  • XMLHttpRequest

  • Resumable file upload

  • Long polling

  • WebSocket

  • Server Sent Events

Storing data in the browser

  • Cookies, document.cookie

  • LocalStorage, sessionStorage

    • tasks:
    • Autosave a form field
  • IndexedDB


  • Bezier curve

  • CSS-animations

    • tasks:
    • Animate a plane (CSS)
    • Animate the flying plane (CSS)
    • Animated circle
    • Animated circle with callback
  • JavaScript animations

    • tasks:
    • Animate the bouncing ball
    • Animate the ball bouncing to the right

Web components

  • From the orbital height

  • Custom elements

    • tasks:
    • Live timer element
  • Shadow DOM

  • Template element

  • Shadow DOM slots, composition

  • Shadow DOM styling

  • Shadow DOM and events

Regular expressions

  • Patterns and flags

  • Character classes

  • Unicode: flag "u" and class \p{...}

  • Anchors: string start ^ and end $

    • tasks:
    • Regexp ^$
  • Multiline mode of anchors ^ $, flag "m"

  • Word boundary: \b

    • tasks:
    • Find the time
  • Escaping, special characters

  • Sets and ranges [...]

    • tasks:
    • Java[^script]
    • Find the time as hh:mm or hh-mm
  • Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n}

    • tasks:
    • How to find an ellipsis "..." ?
    • Regexp for HTML colors
  • Greedy and lazy quantifiers

    • tasks:
    • A match for /d+? d+?/
    • Find HTML comments
    • Find HTML tags
  • Capturing groups

    • tasks:
    • Check MAC-address
    • Find color in the format #abc or #abcdef
    • Find all numbers
    • Parse an expression
  • Backreferences in pattern: \N and \k<name>

  • Alternation (OR) |

    • tasks:
    • Find programming languages
    • Find bbtag pairs
    • Find quoted strings
    • Find the full tag
  • Lookahead and lookbehind

    • tasks:
    • Find non-negative integers
    • Insert After Head
  • Catastrophic backtracking

  • Sticky flag "y", searching at position

  • Methods of RegExp and String