
Rails like webframework written in PHP.. so pretty much laravel but by me

Primary LanguagePHP


##Description Empathy is the little php framework that could! (Heavily) Inspired by Rails it's like Laravel but not as well supported, documented, tested or advanced. But keep reading!

It gives you a full ORM, Routing, Migration, Authorization and Templating solution as well as a CLI for the boring day to day tasks, an interactive console and development server.


gem install empathy-1.0.2.gem

Now that empathy is installed, you need a working mysql-server somewhere. My suggestion is to get the official mysql docker image, get it running and point your empathy project to look at the docker containers exposed port.

##Creating your first app

empathy new my_app
cd my_app/

That's it, grab a piece of cake, you've just created your first Empathy app. Open up your favorite chrome browser and navigate to localhost:1338 to see it. (You can run empathy serve 3000 if you want to run the server on port 3000, any other port).

##Routing Having your app do something when someone goes to a URL is a good start. Let's begin but creating a /home url. Open up your config/routes.config.php.

  $router = new Router();
  $router->get('home/', function(){
     echo "Welcome to my new app!";

Pretty simple. When there is a GET request that matches home/ execute the callback. This is the most basic usage. But we can do some more fun stuff if we add a route that goes to a controller method. Add the following lines before the the router is run;

$router->index = function(){
  echo "Hello, this is my new app";
$router->get('user/all', 'user#all');
$router->get('user/:id', 'user#profile');

###How do i create a controller? Fear not, just run empathy generate controller user all profile

This will create controller/UserController.php, add the necessary functions to it, as well as create the views in views/user/all.html views/user/profile.html

###Controllers In your new fancy UserController.php, make the all function look like this

function all() {
  User::all()->each(function($user) {
    echo $user->firstname;

But before this will work, you will need a shiny User model!

###Models As always you can generate a model by using the CLI

empathy g m user email:string password:string firstname:string) lastname:string

The g m is shorthand for generate model, you can do empathy g c as well for controllers or empathy d c to delete a controller (or model)

This will create a file in models/User.php as well as a migration file in migrations/%timestamp%_create_user.sql. Run the migration with empathy migrate. This will bring the database schema up to date.

####Relationships You can create a relationships between models by using references when creating the model.

empathy g m friend user1:references:user user2:references:user best_friends:bool

And in the friends model add the relationship

static $has_one [
  'user1' => 'user',
  'user1' => 'user'

###Using the interactive console Just as a kickstart, let's create a user using the interactive console. Run empathy console (shorthand empathy c). In the console, run the following snippet.

$user = new User([
  'email' => "tester@mctest.com",
  'password' => password\_hash("ilikecake", PASSWORD\_DEFAULT),
  'firstname' => 'Test',
  'lastname' => 'McTest'

You can retrieve it again with

echo User::where(['email' => 'tester@mctest.com'])->first()->json();


echo User::find(1)->json();

That's it! You've done it! If you refresh the browser now, you should see Test McTesty listed in the user list.