
Email Receipt Extraction

Primary LanguageRuby

Make sure your permissions are set for execution:

chmod 755 extraction.rb

To run the test enter the right HTML file:

./extraction.rb .html

The program is set to print on the command line

dasun@bulletbill:~/Applications/jobs/Airseed$ ./extraction.rb seamless.html [{"quantity"=>"1", "item description"=>"Hong Kong-Style Noodle", "price"=>"$8.95"}, {"quantity"=>"1", "item description"=>"Beef with Broccoli", "price"=>"$10.50"}, {"quantity"=>"1", "item description"=>"Cilantro Shrimp Dumpling", "price"=>"$5.95"}]

Configuraton Options

To output to file, uncomment the lines:

log = File.open("results.txt", "w")



To change the default output keys, edit the method process_entry(row_node)

hash_output = { "quantity" => quantity, "item description" => item_description, "price" => price }

To change key formatting (from scraping), edit the regex in the format_key(string) method

def format_key(string) string.gsub(/[~=:;+-_.]/, '') end

To change how fields are processed (skips HTML node on is_format_invalid?), edit the method to include more cases:

def is_invalid_field?(string) return true if string.empty? || string == '=' # Can Add a Regex Check as well return false end