
Small project containing a microservices test featuring: Spring Boot (Jetty), Spring Cloud libraries, Netflix OSS tooling, Docker and Docker compose. It also features an Angular2 front end application to access the backend microservices.

Primary LanguageJava

Microservices sample project

This Github repository features a small microservices sample, using the following libraries:

  • Spring Boot: together with Jetty as application runner within the Docker containers.
  • Docker and Docker compose: Docker images are generated and composed in order to run this example.
  • Spring Cloud: abstract Netflix OSS tooling with the Spring Cloud suite.
  • Netflix OSS libraries:
    • Zuul proxy: Used to unify all access to services.
    • Eureka Discovery: Used to keep track of alive service instances.
    • Ribbon: Used to load balance on the client (or invoker) side.
    • Hystrix: Used to monitor failure and short-circuit in case it's needed.
    • Turbine: Used to monitor service status on a distributed fashion.
  • Angular2: Used to create a simple front application that consumes the exposed REST services. This application includes lazy loading and ahead of time (AOT) compilation.
  • Webpack: Used to package the Angular2 application and deliver the distributable objects into the microservice.


On top of the mentioned libraries, this sample provides two services:

  • Authors-service: service which contains a very simple authors repository.
  • Books-service: service which contains a very simple books repository.
  • Releases-service: service which contains a very simple releases repository.
  • Front-service: service which contains a very simple Angular2 front application.

The books service uses the authors service in order to retrieve authors data, serving as a sample of service communication within Docker containers.
The front service publishes a frontend application which consumes and manipulates the data exposed by the services.

Running the sample

I've ran this test with the following Ubuntu, Docker and Docker compose versions:

  • Ubuntu: 16.04
  • Docker API: 1.25
  • Docker Version: 1.13.0
  • NPM version: 3.10.10
  • Node version: 6.9.4
  • Webpack: 2.2.0
  • Angular 2: 2.4.6

You ought to follow these steps in order to run this sample on your local machine.

  1. Compile the images and get them into your local Docker registry:

On the parent project folder, execute a Maven package command:

sudo mvn clean install -P docker
  1. Run the generated images using Docker compose:

After you've compiled the projects, you should be able to see the images on your local registry:

sudo docker images

In order to execute the example, run the docker-compose.yml file using the following command at the parent project folder:

sudo docker-compose up

Optional: You may want to redirect the console output generated into a file. In this case, use the following command instead:

sudo docker-compose up > yourfilename.log