Technologies Used

  • Cofeescript
  • Preact
  • Dayjs
  • Flyd (meiosis pattern)
  • Rails UJS
  • Action Cable
  • SCSS

Ruby version

  • ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-darwin17]
  • Rails 5.2.3

Get Started

bundle install
npm install
rails s


Step 1: Browser A
  • Go to localhost:3000
  • Click on "Sign Up"
  • Create a user
  • Login with that user
Step 2: Browser B
  • Open a private tab
  • Go to localhost:3000
  • Click on "Sign Up"
  • Create another user
  • Login with that user
  • Refresh Browser A
Step 3: Send Kudos
  • Browser A: send a kudos to the user logged into Browser B
  • Browser B: you should have received a Kudos
  • Browser B: send a kudos to the user on Browser A
  • Browser A: you should have received a Kudos
  • Counts should increment automatically without creating extra XHR requests
  • Lists should update automatically without creating extra XHR requests