
Memory object cache with cool features for NodeJS or the Browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Memory Cache

Instantiates a mutable object cache in memory. Uses Map and Symbol primitives, so it will only work on modern browsers (versions >= 2015), and node 4+. See benchmarks here.

Note about previous versions:

If you're using previous versions, You can find v1 documentation here and v2 documentation here and you can install using memory-cache2@1 and memory-cache2@2. I have dropped support for functionality like getIn, setIn, concatIn, mergeIn. Instead, I opted refactoring to the more performant JS maps, only allowing merge and concat, and adding other features like each, has, and size. I also refactored the event emitter to only allow observing and not triggering. Triggering should only occur internally, as the cache does things.



npm install --save memory-cache2



You can either pass an existing object and convert it into a cache, or you can start a brand new cache.

const MemoryCache = require('memory-cache');

// Empty cache
const cache = new MemoryCache;

// or

// Pass obj as cache
const cache = new MemoryCache( myObj || returnObj() );

Defines key value. Returns value.

cache.set('testing', { set: true, arr: [1,2,3] });

Returns key value.

const val = cache.get('testing');

// > { set: true, arr: [1,2,3] }

const entireCache = cache.get(true);
// > { testing: { set: true, arr: [1,2,3] }}

Remove key from cache.

// > true

Resets cache object to empty object.

// > {}

Expire cache after a certain amount of time in milliseconds.

cache.expire('testing', 3000);
// Expires in 3 seconds
Set and Expire

Set the cache and expire after a certain amount of time in miliseconds.

cache.set('testing', { value: 1 }, 3000);
// > { value: 1 }
// Expires in 3 seconds

Merge objects stored in cache. Works with arrays or objects only.

const val = cache.merge('testing', { merged: true });
// > { set: true, arr: [1,2,3], merged: true }

Concatenates cached array.

cache.set('array', ['a', 'b', 'c']);
cache.concat('array', [1,2,3]);
// > ['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3];

Checks to see if cache has a key

// > true

// > false

Iterates through cache.

cache.each(function (value, key) {

    console.log(value, key);

Gets all cached keys

// > ['testing', 'array']

Get size of cache

// > 2

Turns logging off or on.

// Instantiate cache with debugging
const cache = new MemoryCache({}, {
    debug: true

// Set debugging after instantiation
cache.debug = true || false;

cache.set('testing', { set: true });
// MemoryCache: set testing { set: true }

// MemoryCache: get testing

MemoryCache events can be observed. All events return an object with at least key and value, except for reset. You can bind or unbind to any event using the following API:

  • cache.onGet((obj) => {}): Binds a function to get event.
  • cache.oneGet((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to get event.
  • cache.offGet(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from get event.
  • cache.onSet((obj) => {}): Binds a function to set event.
  • cache.oneSet((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to set event.
  • cache.offSet(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from set event.
  • cache.onRemove((obj) => {}): Binds a function to remove event.
  • cache.oneRemove((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to remove event.
  • cache.offRemove(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from remove event.
  • cache.onExpire((obj) => {}): Binds a function to expire event.
  • cache.oneExpire((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to expire event.
  • cache.offExpire(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from expire event.
  • cache.onMerge((obj) => {}): Binds a function to merge event.
  • cache.oneMerge((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to merge event.
  • cache.offMerge(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from merge event.
  • cache.onConcat((obj) => {}): Binds a function to concat event.
  • cache.oneConcat((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to concat event.
  • cache.offConcat(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from concat event.
  • cache.onReset((obj) => {}): Binds a function to reset event.
  • cache.oneReset((obj) => {}): Binds a function 1 time to reset event.
  • cache.offReset(/* instantiated fn */): Remove a function from reset event.


// Instantiate cache with event binding
const cache = new MemoryCache({}, {
    events: true

// Set event binding after instantiation
cache.events = true || false;

// Happens on every get
cache.onGet(function(opts) {

    fs.writeFileSync(`${opts.name}.json`, JSON.strigify(opts.value));

// Only happens one time
cache.oneReset(function() {

    console.warn('Cache was reset!!!');


  • Include 100% test coverage.
  • Must support older browsers.
  • Submit an issue first for significant changes.