
RiotJS Javascript Utilities

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Riot with Rollup

This is a simple example to show how to use Riot with Rollup.

Run locally

Download or clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/riot/examples
$ cd example/rollup

Then run these commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run build

dist directory will be made in your project.

ES6 and cssnext

The code in this example is written in ES6 syntax. Rollup is an module bundler for ES6. Typically, we use these plugins. See detail:

  • rollup-plugin-buble: transpiles ES6 into ES5
  • rollup-plugin-commonjs: converts CommonJS to ES6
  • rollup-plugin-node-resolve: finds modules in node_modules
  • rollup-plugin-riot: compiles Riot tag files

Additionally, we're using PostCSS to compile css. To write in the next standard of CSS, use the plugin below:

  • postcss-cssnext: transforms new CSS specs into more compatible CSS

Flow of transpiling / bundling

Actually, a bit complicated. But I'd like to try to show you in the figure below. Check it out:


Use imported modules

In this example, marked is used for transforming markdown into html.

    import marked from 'marked'

    // do something with marked


To watch your tag file and check it in your browser, run the command below:

$ npm start

See more detail: