This was my first year group project at the University of Manchester. The brief was to develop a (MySQL) database-driven web application of our choice so we decided to build a 'geographical oriented question site'. The project won both the 'Best planned' and 'Most Professional' przes.
Due to first year Computer Science student mistakes this project contained sensitive details (like username and password for the database server... whoops - although that server no longer exists). I therefore have deleted the original project and recreated it in a new repository so the code can still be viewed.
The downside of this is that all the commits made have been lost so it's no longer possible to see the work of my team mates, they are therefore listed below:
@pedjorge - General work with JavaScript, backend and frontend @lorchi - Design of the site @geminicru - Backend @dan-c-underwood - AJAX (incl. some database work) and Leaflet