
A Dash docset generator for the fish shell

Primary LanguagePython


Following an update to the Fish documentation format, this repository is now archived. You can find a new Fish docset generator at: https://github.com/schrodincat/dash-fish

Tools to allow for the generation of a Dash docset for the fish shell. This docset can be imported into Dash, Zeal, or any similar offline documentation browser.


  • fish: required for running the copy script ;
  • convert: part of ImageMagick ;
  • python3: build.py script only supported under Python 3 ;
  • BeautifulSoup - for parsing the HTML files.


This homebrew distribution of fish also contains a local copy of the docs which removes the need to pull them from the fishshell website.

brew install fish imagemagick
python3 -m venv .env 
. .env/bin/activate
pip install beautifulsoup4


Be sure to have fish installed.

apt-get install python3 imagemagick    
python3 -m venv .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install BeautifulSoup4


git clone git@github.com:dan-c-underwood/fish-dash.git


To generate the docset, run the command:

$ make

The docset is then generated and placed in the top level directory.

Cleaning up the generated files can be performed using:

$ make clean