Node.js based Flickr interestingness photos search web service. For demo purposes only!
In order to run the app and tests correctly you need to have the following requirements in your machine:
- NodeJS & NPM - Normally installed with one package, via their main website
- MongoDB - Ideally, if you are running the apps in your computer, you should also install the MongoDB database engine, because some developer might have used it as cache storage.
After cloning this repo (and exactly this branch), you should run:
npm install
This command will install the dependencies associated to the web service and testing process.
Then be sure that current repo folder contains data/db folder (or you can create it whenever you want), and local instance of MongoDB is up and running. MongoDB is used to store web service cache data. If it's not running, start it, by doing:
mongod --dbpath ./data/db
When MongoDB is up and running, you should exec:
npm start
This will start search web service at port 3000.
After that, you just need to run the tests, by doing:
npm test
And it will run the tests situated at the tests folder.
- Add additional tests tests
- Underlying server errors, other special cases, etc
- CacheManager
- Write errors to app log
- Separate dev, production, test configurations
- Use Grunt or Gulp build tasks
- Linking, minification, etc (review Yeoman tasks)
- MongoDB auto start