
Study Guide for Microsoft Exam AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator

AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Study Guide

Study Guide for Microsoft Exam AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator

This guide is a combination of the study material I had for exams AZ-100 and AZ-101. Microsoft recently re-combined the exams into one.

For more information about the exam, visit https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-az-103.aspx

This study guide is open for anyone interested in writing the exam. If you have material you feel worthy of adding to the guide, please submit a PR.

Core Objectives

  • Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%)
  • Implement and manage storage (5-10%)
  • Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (20-25%)
  • Configure and manage virtual networks (20-25%)
  • Manage identities (15-20%)

Additional Resources