
Simple Kaldi recipe for forced alignment

Primary LanguageShell

KISS Aligner

Just a simple Kaldi recipe for forced alignment


Bring your own:

  • Kaldi
  • Audio files with utterance-aligned text transcripts
  • Lexicon


Environment setup

Modify path.sh so that KALDI_ROOT points to your local Kaldi installation. Running path.sh for the first time will create symbolic links here to the WSJ steps and utils directories whose scripts provide the basis for most Kaldi recipes.

Note: You should run the aligner from this directory so that all relative paths in the standard egs scripts resolve correctly. You can specify where to write output data by passing the --workdir argument to run.sh (by default it will create a new directory align here to work in).

Data preparation

To get started, you need to prepare your target dataset according to the instructions given here. We recommend reading that page for full details of required files!

One option is to create two files:

  • Metadata file with lines like <full-audio-path> <normalized-transcript>
  • Pronunciation lexicon with lines like <word> <phone-string> (phones separated by spaces)

These files can be passed to run.sh using the --meta and --lex options, along with an --audio-root specifying the longest common sub-path of all audio files in the corpus. If audio files are in speaker-specific subdirectories, then we try and infer those speaker IDs as well as utterance IDs from the full audio filepath. See local/corpus/vctk_make_meta.sh for an example script creating such a metadata file, and local/lexicon/cmudict_make_lex.sh for one cleaning up a freely-available lexicon.

Alternatively, you may want to create all the necessary files yourself. See local/corpus/vctk_data_prep.sh and local/lexicon/cmudict_data_prep.sh for sample scripts building these directories, and the descriptions of required files below.

Training data

Below are the files you need to create relating to the audio and text files in your training corpus. All files should be placed under the $workdir you would like to use for aligning your data. Data fields in all files are space-separated.

  • data/train/text
    • Lists utterances by ID along with their text transcripts
    • Normalize text to whatever degree you find agreeable -- it's up to you to make it match your lexicon entries, we won't touch it!
    • If you have speaker information, add it as a prefix to utterance IDs
  • data/train/wav.scp
    • Lists utterances by ID with Kaldi "extended filenames" leading to wav-format audio
    • Extended filenames can either be a simple path or a pipe expression providing a command which gives wav data on stdout, e.g. using sox
  • data/train/utt2spk
    • Lists utterances by ID with corresponding speaker IDs, one utterance per line
    • If you don't have speaker information per utterance, then use utterance ID as speaker ID also
  • data/train/spk2utt
    • Lists all utterances spoken by each speaker ID, one speaker per line
    • Create this like utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/train/utt2spk > data/train/spk2utt

Note: All files under data/train need to be sorted in a consistent manner, otherwise Kaldi will fail to process them properly. For example, you could export LC_ALL=C in your shell and run each through sort to make sure this is the case.

The above assumes you already have audio data split one file per utterance. If instead you have long recordings but know already where each utterance starts and ends, then you should also create a data/train/segments file with that information. The alignment recipe provided should handle this alternative but also standard approach just fine without any modification.


Below are the files you need to create relating to the lexicon providing pronunciations for all words in your training corpus. Again, all files should be placed under your output $workdir.

  • data/local/dict/lexicon.txt
    • Pronunciation dictionary mapping words to phone strings
    • Should include an entry for a special out-of-vocabulary (OOV) symbol in case there are words in your corpus not covered by the lexicon, e.g. <unk> SPN.
    • If you don't want to find OOV symbols in the final alignments, then make sure your lexicon contains some pronunciation for every word in your corpus! We don't (yet) try and train any g2p to fill in the gaps.
  • data/local/dict/nonsilence_phones.txt
    • Lists all phones found in the lexicon
  • data/local/dict/optional_silence.txt
    • Specifies symbol to use for optional silences inserted between words
  • data/local/dict/silence_phones.txt
    • Lists silence symbols, including optional silence and the symbol you chose to represent the pronunciation of OOV words (SPN in our example above)
  • data/local/dict/extra_questions.txt
    • This can be an empty file, but would be the place to note phone variants due to stress, tone etc.

These files will be used to prepare the data/lang directory in the first stage of run.sh, using utils/prepare_lang.sh.

Note: By default we set the OOV symbol and pronunciation to be <unk>,SPN. If you choose a different symbol for your lexicon, then make sure to specify the --oov option when you run the main alignment script.

Utterances with OOV items can either be ignored during alignment using the --filter-oov argument to run.sh, or modeled using a phone-level LM by passing --oov-phone-lm (see discussion here). The latter option can lead to a significant increase in decoding times if there are many OOV items in your data.


If you want to start everything off from a metadata file and lexicon, then minimally you can call the main run script like:

run.sh --meta metadata.txt --lex lexicon.txt --audio-root /path/to/audio/files

If you have set up the directories under $workdir/data/train and $workdir/data/local/dict yourself, then you can skip the first stage of metadata processing:

run.sh --workdir $workdir --stage 1

This should do all the necessary checking of the data files you have provided and continue to run the full alignment process! The final outputs will be per-utterance CTM files for both word- and phone-level alignments, placed under $workdir/{word,phone}.

Note: Acoustic model training proceeds in stages on increasing subsets of the provided training data. If you have fewer than 10,000 utterances, make sure to reduce the size of the final data partition (at least) using the --splits argument to run.sh.

If something goes wrong and you need to restart the script but don't want to redo previous work, then pass the --stage argument to run.sh specifying where you want to pick up from.

Check run.sh --help to see all available options, including setting the number of parallel threads to run, configuring on-the-fly audio conversion using Kaldi extended filenames, and writing alignments to Praat TextGrid files (requires an active Python 3 environment with TextGridTools installed).

Note: Not all utterances may be successfully aligned! In that case, there will simply be missing CTM files in the final output. Check $workdir/failed_to_align.txt for a list of failed utterances and their transcripts, and $workdir/retried_alignment.txt for those which were successfully aligned only after increasing beam width.

Segmenting long utterances

If you have long-form audio with an approximate transcript (e.g. audiobook data) and an in-domain SAT acoustic model (e.g. from --stage 8 of run.sh), then you can use local/run_segment_long_utts.sh to try and segment the audio into shorter chunks aligned with parts of the transcript.

Prepare data files for the audio to be segmented as above. Your text file might contain just a few utterance IDs, each with very long transcripts -- for example, this would work for LibriVox recordings where each chapter is its own audio file, and where you have been able to split the corresponding text into chapters as well.

The script will create a wavs/ directory containing segmented audio files and a text file matching discovered utterance IDs with the corresponding portions of the original text. Optionally, it can output CTM or TextGrid alignments generated using the source acoustic model, though if you are able to generate a large amount of segmented data you may want to run forced alignment over it separately.

Note: Segmentation using this method works even with approximate transcripts. For example, the additional notices in LibriVox recordings compared to the expected book text are simply ignored, and excluded from the final set of discovered segments.
