
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/squoia

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Virtual Machine (VirtualBox)

You can find an image of a virtual machine with a running installation of the MT system here: https://pub.cl.uzh.ch/projects/squoia/squoia_1_1.ova

In order to use it, you need to install VirtualBox: If you're running Linux, there is a good chance VirtualBox is available through your package management, otherwise see see https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

To use the squoia VM, go to File->Import Appliance in your virtualbox and select the squoia_1_1.ova file. Once installed, you can boot the virtual machine. User is squoia, password is quechua (also for root). The source files of this repository are in /home/squoia/squoia, to use the translation, open a terminal (e.g. LXTerminal) and go to the MT folder: squoia@squoiavm:~$ cd squoia/MT_systems

translate.pm is the perl script that handles the translation, for a detailed list of options use: squoia@squoiavm:~/squoia/MT_systems$ ./translate.pm --help

test the system with a simple sentence, output should look like this:

squoia@squoiavm:~/squoia/MT_systems$ echo "La casa azul es bonita." | ./translate.pm
using saved config file /home/squoia/squoia/MT_systems/storage/config.bin
start format 2
end format 25
no instance of server_squoia running on port 9001 with config ../FreeLingModules/vm.cfg
starting server_squoia on port 9001 with config ../FreeLingModules/vm.cfg, logging to /home/squoia/squoia/MT_systems/logs/logcrfmorf...
starting server_squoia, please wait...
server_squoia now ready
* TRANS-STEP 4) [-o tagged] tagging
* TRANS-STEP 5)  [-o conll] conll format
* Load model
* Label sequences
* Done
no instance of MaltParserServer running on port 9002 with model ./models/splitDatesModel.mco
starting MaltParserServer on port 9002 with model ./models/splitDatesModel.mco, logging to /home/squoia/squoia/MT_systems/logs/log.malt...
MaltParserServer with model = ./models/splitDatesModel.mco started on port 9002...
starting MaltParserServer, please wait...
starting MaltParserServer, please wait...
starting MaltParserServer, please wait...
MaltParserServer now ready
* TRANS-STEP 6)  [-o parsed] parsing
* TRANS-STEP 7)  [-o conll2xml] conll to xml format
Connecting to server...
Connection established
* TRANS-STEP 8)  [-o rdisamb] relative clause disambiguation
* TRANS-STEP 9)  [-o coref] subject coreference resolution
* TRANS-STEP 10)  [-o vdisamb] verb form disambiguation (rule-based)
* TRANS-STEP 11)  [-o svm] verb form disambiguation (svm)
* TRANS-STEP 12)  [-o lextrans] lexical transfer
* TRANS-STEP 13)  [-o semtags] insert semantic tags
* TRANS-STEP 14)  [-o lexdisamb] lexical disambiguation, rule-based
* TRANS-STEP 15)  [-o morphdisamb] morphological disambiguation, rule-based
* TRANS-STEP 16)  [-o prepdisamb] preposition disambiguation, rule-based
* TRANS-STEP 17)  [-o intraTrans] syntactic transfer, intra-chunks
* TRANS-STEP 18)  [-o interTrans] syntactic transfer, inter-chunks
* TRANS-STEP 19)  [-o node2chunk] promote nodes to chunks
* TRANS-STEP 20)  [-o child2sibling] promote child chunks to siblings
* TRANS-STEP 21)  [-o interOrder] reorder the chunks, inter-chunks
* TRANS-STEP 22)  [-o intraOrder] reorder the nodes, intra-chunks
* TRANS-STEP 23)  [-o morph] morphological generation
* TRANS-STEP 24)  [-o words] word forms
* TRANS-STEP 25)  [-o nbest] n-best translations

Q'umir wasiqa sumaqmi . p:-13.9964
Q'umir wasiqa munaycham . p:-17.5069

The config used is a binary form of translate_vm.cfg, if you change something in translate_vm.cfg, call translate.pm with the option -c translate_vm.cfg to read it in, otherwise changes will not take effect.

The first run will always take a bit longer because the tagging and parsing services need to be started.

Input from a file instead of stdin can be passed with the option -f, check --help for more information about input and output formats. Encoding must be utf8.

IMPORTANT: RAM is currently set to 4 GB in the virtual machine, this can be too low. If you get an out of memory error during tagging, you can increase the RAM assigned to the VM in Settings->System->Motherboard->Base Memory (the virtual machine must be powered off to do so).


Note: this code is not maintained and the installation is cumbersome due to the large number of dependencies.


git clone https://github.com/TALP-UPC/freeling

Installation (make sure to install from sources, headers are needed), see: https://talp-upc.gitbooks.io/freeling-user-manual/content/installation.html

compile Freeling analyzer with crf output format for wapiti:

export FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR= path to you installation of FreeLing
export SQUOIA_DIR= path to this package
g++ -c -o output_crf.o output_crf.cc -I$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/include -I$SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/config_squoia
g++ -c -o analyzer_client.o analyzer_client.cc -I$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/include -I$SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/config_squoia
g++ -std=gnu++11 -c  -o server_squoia.o server_squoia.cc -I$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/include -I$SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/config_squoia
g++ -O3 -Wall -o server_squoia server_squoia.o output_crf.o -L$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib -lfreeling -lboost_program_options -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lpthread

named entity classification:

g++ -std=gnu++11 -o nec nec.cc -I$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/include -I$SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/config_squoia -L$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib -lfreeling -lboost_program_options -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lpthread


g++ -O3 -Wall -o analyzer_client analyzer_client.o -L$FREELING_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib -lfreeling

once compiled, you can test the server:

./server_squoia -f $SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/es_squoia.cfg  --server --port=$PORT 2> logtagging &
echo "eso es una prueba" |./analyzer_client $PORT

Link server_squoia, analyzer_client and nec to the /bin folder (optional, if you do not link them, change the paths in translate_example.cfg):

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/bin
ln -s ../FreeLingModules/server_squoia .
ln -s ../FreeLingModules/analyzer_client .
ln -s ../FreeLingModules/nec .

For system wide use, either link client and server to somewhere in your $PATH (e.g. in /usr/local/bin), or add their location to $PATH



follow installation instructions, then adapt path to wapiti in FreeLingModules/example.cfg



follow installation instructions, see http://www.maltparser.org/install.html

set maltPath in translate_example.cfg to your installation of maltparser

compile server-client modules ($MALTPARSER_DIR= path to your maltparser installtion):

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/maltparser_tools/src 
javac -cp $MALTPARSER_DIR/maltparser-1.8/maltparser-1.8.jar MPClient.java
javac -cp $MALTPARSER_DIR/maltparser-1.8/maltparser-1.8.jar MaltParserServer.java

move binaries to ../bin: mv MaltParserServer.class MPClient.class ../bin/



If you're on Linux, lttoolbox may be part of your distribution, e.g. Debian, and can be installed through your package managment system (make sure to install the development package as well, something like lttoolbox-dev or lttoolbox-devel). To compile the lexical transfer module in squoia:

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/matxin-lex

To compile the bilingual dictionary, do (only necessary if you made changes to es-quz.dix):

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/squoia/esqu/lexica
lt-comp lr es-quz.dix es-quz.bin





compile morphological generator:

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/squoia/esqu/morphgen_foma
foma -f unificadoTransfer.foma



compile squoia module for language model:

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/squoia/esqu
g++ -o outputSentences outputSentences.cpp -Ipath-to-your-kenlm/ -DKENLM_MAX_ORDER=6 -Lpath-to-your-kenlm/lib/ -lkenlm path-to-your-foma/libfoma.a -lz  -lboost_regex -pthread -lboost_thread -lboost_system

Perl modules required:


adapt paths in $SQUOIA_DIR/FreeLingModules/example.cfg adapt paths in $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems/esqu/es_qu.cfg

use translate.pm to process text:

cd $SQUOIA_DIR/MT_systems
./translate.pm -f infile -i input-format -o output-format


./translate.pm -h 

to get a list of options.