
I'm now a ALX Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer

Primary LanguageShell

My first readme Created new directories: bash, c, js created empty files: c/c_is_fun.c , js/main.js , js/index.js Created a file bash/alx and added two lines inside: #!/bin/bash and echo "ALX" Created a file bash/school with two lines inside: #!/bin/bash and echo "School" Created an empty file bash/98 Updated bash/alx by replacing 'echo "ALX"' with 'echo "ALX School"' Updated bash/school by replacing 'echo "School"' with 'echo "The school is open!"' Committed Changed branch to main/master Updated bash/alx by replacing echo "ALX" with echo "ALX School is so cool!" Deleted directory js Commited the changes with "Hot fix" as the message. .