Lua Hypertext Processor

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


LHP ("Lua Hypertext Processor") is an ultra minimal text file parser for embedding Lua code within other kinds of documents, just like PHP. It was created as part of a static website generator, but could in principle be used on a web server for dynamic website generation, or for any text creation task.

Example usage

Input file:

      <h1>The Fibonacci sequence:</h1>
          -- Print the first ten digits of the fibonacci sequence
          local a, b = 0, 1
          for n=1,10 do
            print( "<li>" .. a .. "</li>" )
            a, b = b, a + b


lua lhp.lua input.lhp output.html

Output file:

      <h1>The Fibonacci sequence:</h1>