
Telegram bot showing weather and exchange rates written in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Ubuntu CodeFactor


A telegram bot written in C++ using the tgbot-cpp telegram API library. Able to send data about the weather and exchange rates.


  • boost(>=1.75)
  • cmake
  • openssl
  • curl
  • zlib

Bot compilation

git clone https://github.com/dan4ik605743/tgbot_cpp
cd tgbot_cpp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build .

Build options

-DTGBOT_ENABLE_INLINE_KEYBOARD  # Enable support inline keyboard in bot


At startup, you need to enter 2 parameters, the api key from openweathermap and the bot token itself.

tgbot -a ~/api.txt -t ~/token.txt