
This apps follow some step from this article https://medium.com/react-native-training/building-chatty-a-whatsapp-clone-with-react-native-and-apollo-part-1-setup-68a02f7e11

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This project specially big thanks for our team to make this project successfull, there are :

  1. Zahra Asri Septia
  2. Siti Zuliatul Faidah
  3. Fernanda Rachmadini
  4. Nur Agustin
  5. Asa Jayanti
  6. Jati Nurrochman
  7. And me :)

This project, follow some step from this tutorial :


Thats a good and nice tutorial, i got it. So thank you for Simon Trucker, for the sharing information about graphql realtime.

In this app you also need some enviroment like

  1. Node JS Version >= 6
  2. JDK 1.8 (Recommended)
  3. Android Studio (SDK 22-26)
  4. Your favorite terminal
  5. React Native CLI
  6. Emulator android (You can used the real device just enabled your android debugging in development mode)
  7. Some coffee to make your eye on and keep spirit for that

This project, split into 2 package there are client side and server side. In server side, this project using graphql, apollo, express as server, and sqlite for the database. For the client side, we are using react native :) and apollo client.

If you confused how to run it, you can follow this step :

  1. For server side

    1. Open your terminal
    2. Go to the directory project and go to the server folder
    3. Npm install
    4. Npm run dev (for reloading when the code has been changes) OR Npm run start
  2. For client side

    1. Open terminal
    2. Enter you directory project and go to client folder
    3. Open your editor, then change the ip in file ./src/app.js find the variabel URL, change the ip with your ip address and port graphql
    4. type "react-native run-android" (remember your emulator or real device already connected)

Hi, I am Azhar Prabudi who love the code and problem solving :)