
Management Center Documentation


Hazelcast Management Center Documentation

This repository contains the Antora components for the Hazelcast Management Center documentation.

The documentation source files are marked up with AsciiDoc.

Docs Structure

This section describes some important information about how this repository is structured:

  • The component name, version, and start page are configured in each branch’s antora.yml file.

  • The navigation for all modules is stored in the ROOT module’s nav.adoc file.

  • Production branches use the vX.Y naming pattern (for example, v4.1), and the main branch contains the latest content.

  • The docs site playbook instructs Antora to automatically aggregate content in the main branch as well as any branch names that start with v.

GitHub Actions

To automate some elements of the build process, this repository includes the following GitHub Actions:

Table 1. GitHub Actions
File Description Triggers


Validates that all internal and external links are working

On a pull request to the main branch as well as any branch names that start with v


Builds the staging documentation site by sending a build hook to Netlify (the hosting platform that we use)

On a pull request or a push to the main branch as well as any branch names that start with v


Builds the production documentation site by sending a build hook to Netlify (the hosting platform that we use)

On a push to the main branch as well as any branch names that start with v


If you want to add a change or contribute new content, see our contributing guide.

To let us know about something that you’d like us to change, consider creating an issue.