Wrapper script around mpc for easier last.fm integration and usage of MPD's last.fm stream loading capabilites. Your MPD daemon must configured to use last.fm.
Usage: mpl [option] [data] {optional_info} {number of tracks}
+ option (mandatory) is one of:
+ data (mandatory) depends on the above given option and is one of: lastfm_username, artist_name, genre, lastfm_globaltag, lastfm_usertag
+ optional_info (optional) is additional data given to further filter the above search and is one of:
for lastfm_username: loved, personal, recommended, playlist
for lastfm_usertags: tag
for lastfm_globaltags: tag
for artist_name: similarartist, fans
+ number_of_tracks (optional): the MPD last.fm plugin loads only 5 tracks by default for each call. If you want to load more tracks, supply
a number as the last argument and it will multiply this by 5, thus loading 5 x n tracks. If you don't specify
this number by default it will load 25 tracks.