
Application that creates a circuit for a given boolean expression.

Primary LanguageHaskell


  • CircTex creates a circuit for a given boolean expression with variable inputs. ( user named )
  • Intractive Haskell based command line application.
  • Due to Haskell's versatility the code can be easily modified for different purposes.
  • Multiple useful functions are implemented, all being marked in the modules.

Symbols and precedence

Symbol precedence is from top to bottom. Parentheses are supported.

  • ! - logic not
  • * - logic and
  • + - logic or
  • *! - logic nand
  • +! - logic nor
  • ^. - logic xor
  • ^! - logic xnor

Modules and extensions

Note you can find internal useful functions. Internal libraries are also marked and separated inside the files.

  • Logic - In this we define the basic expression classes. An evaluator is also provided and can be used via GHCi running the Main.hs file.
  • DNF - Module that supports minterm calculation and expression grouping functions.
  • Circuit - This module implements circuit generation out of expressions.
  • Draw - Converts the circuit to a single string containing TeX code.
  • Format - Formats the circuit by given parameters found inside the last section of the file.
  • Parser - Expression parser. Symbols and precedence can be modifed by preference inside the file.
  • Main - used for running


Download and unzip the files.

Type following terminal commands:

chmod +x ./Installer.sh

chmod +x ./Main.sh

sudo ./Installer.sh


Run from terminal:

chmod +x ./Main.sh


For quitting use Ctrl+C.


> ((a + !b) *! (!a +! b)) ^! ((a * c) ^. (d * c))