
A module for Quill rich text editor to upload images to be selected from toolbar editor.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version Known Vulnerabilities

Quill ImageUpload Module

A module for Quill rich text editor to upload images to be selected from toolbar editor.

🐛 Fix Bug : accepted response code 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226

Install (select one)

  • npm : npm i quill-image-upload2
  • yarn : yarn add quill-image-upload2



import Quill from 'quill';
import { ImageUpload } from 'quill-image-upload2';

Quill.register('modules/imageUpload', ImageUpload);

const quill = new Quill(editor, {
	// ...
	modules: {
		// ...
		imageUpload: {
			url: '', // server url. If the url is empty then the base64 returns
			method: 'POST', // change query method, default 'POST'
			name: 'image', // custom form name
			withCredentials: false, // withCredentials
			headers: { // add custom headers, example { token: 'your-token'}
				'Authorization': 'Token your-token',
			csrf: { // add custom CSRF
				token: 'token', 
				hash: '' 
			customUploader: () => {}, // add custom uploader
			// personalize successful callback and call next function to insert new url to the editor
			callbackOK: (serverResponse, next) => {
				// serverResponse must return of full image URL.
			// personalize failed callback
			callbackKO: serverError => {
			// optional
			// add callback when a image have been chosen
			checkBeforeSend: (file, next) => {
				next(file); // go back to component and send to the server

Script Tag

Copy image-upload.min.js into your web root or include from node_modules

<script src="/node_modules/quill-image-upload2/image-upload.min.js"></script>
var quill = new Quill(editor, {
	// ...
	modules: {
		// ...
		imageUpload: {
			url: '', // server url. If the url is empty then the base64 returns
			method: 'POST', // change query method, default 'POST'
			name: 'image', // custom form name
			withCredentials: false, // withCredentials
			headers: {
				'Authorization': 'Token your-token',
			}, // add custom headers, example { token: 'your-token'}
			// personalize successful callback and call next function to insert new url to the editor
			callbackOK: (serverResponse, next) => {
				// serverResponse must return of full image URL.
			// personalize failed callback
			callbackKO: serverError => {