
Spout for Blender

Primary LanguagePython

Spout addon V3.1.0 for Blender 3.0.x

Blender addon that allows to stream spout and syphon streams from blender.

This works for current Windows and OSX.


Please make sure you have the most current Blender 3.0.x installed.

  1. download the addon from the releases

  2. Open Blender > Menu > Preferences > Add-ons > search for and enable the 'Spout' add-on

  3. Press the button to install the SpoutGL or syphonpy library via pip.

  4. Once the library is installed, disable and reenable the addon.

  5. Save and close preferences.


Currently it is only possible to send Spout and Syphon streams, but not to receive them.

For streaming you need a Camera object.

The plugin adds a Panel to the Camera properties called 'Streaming Texture'. The following properties are available:

  • The streaming name is default set to the camera name.
  • capture/streaming resolution.
  • show preview inside viewport.
  • use eevee color management (recommended)
  • chose a workspace with the desired render / shading preferences
  • chose a scene and layer setup to render

You should be able to create as many Cameras with streams as you wish.


Streaming syphon has limitations: see here


Blender Plugin by Martin Froehlich.

Special Thanks:

Obviously Lyn Jarvis for developing Spout in the first place. And without SpoutGL for Python developed by Jason and the valuable hint from Jonas Dichelle I would still dab in darkness...

CAD_Sketcher showed me how to dynamically install the needed SpoutGl library. Hurray to Opensource!

Python support by Florian Bruggisser