
Repository for master thesis 'Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation from 3D Data' © Dana Škorvánková 2020

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for master thesis 'Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation from 3D Data'

\DDP - source code for re-implementation of Deep Depth Pose model in Keras

  • launch DDP.py to run the model on ITOP dataset
  • launch DDP_UBC.py to run the model on UBC3V dataset

\PBPE - source code for re-implementation of Point-Based Pose Estimation model in Keras, and implementation of our novel method Segmentation-Guided Pose Estimation

  • parameters setup in config.py
  • launch main.py to run the specified model on specified data

\trained_models - saved trained models for each dataset for testing

\sample_data - 200 samples from test data for each dataset

© Dana Škorvánková 2020