
Generates binary word embeddings by analyzing Wikipedia

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Binary word embeddings from Wikipedia

Generates binary word embeddings for a provided list of words by naively analyzing Wikipedia. Was meant partially as an exercise in Python for multi-threading and asynchronous web requests.

For each word in the provided list the program fetches n related Wikipedia articles (where n is a tunable parameter). Each article is represented by a bit in the embedding - if a word (in our list) appears in a particular article we set the appropriate bit to 1. This is an extremely simple approach to word embedding but the latent space discovered still shows very sensible semantic properties.

I only show similarity experiments here but word additions and subtractions also give sensible results in some cases.

Nearest Neighbors

Once you've generated the data you can easily list a word's nearest neighbors. The similarity metric used is the L1-norm of the bitwise AND.

  • similarTo('Google') outputs [('Microsoft', 5), ('Amazon', 3), ('Samsung', 3), ...]
  • similarTo('Toyota') outputs [('Lexus', 13), ('Volkswagen', 7), ('Ford', 6), ('Hyundai', 4), ...]
  • similarTo('Colombia') outputs [('Venezuela', 11), ('Ecuador', 10), ('Peru', 9), ...]

How to generate the data

To see available command line options: generate.py -h

Example usages:

  • generate.py -l countries
  • generate.py --list topBrands --nworkers 10

Several example lists are provided in the /lists directory.

Example output from test.py

[Google] is similar to: [('Microsoft', 5), ('Amazon', 3)]
[Toyota] is similar to: [('Lexus', 13), ('Volkswagen', 7)]
[AT&T] is similar to: [('Verizon', 10), ('T-Mobile', 3)]
[Canon] is similar to: [('Panasonic', 3), ('Sony', 2)]
[IBM] is similar to: [('Microsoft', 6), ('SAP', 3)]
[HSBC] is similar to: [('Citi', 1), ('Chase', 1)]
[MasterCard] is similar to: [('Visa', 4), ('American Express', 3)]
[Costco] is similar to: [('Target', 5), ('Home Depot', 4)]
[Netflix] is similar to: [('Facebook', 1)]
[Pepsi] is similar to: [('Frito-Lay', 4), ('Coca-Cola', 4)]
[NIKE] is similar to: [('Adidas', 4), ('Uniqlo', 2)]
[Ford] is similar to: [('Chevrolet', 8), ('Toyota', 6)]

Most similar pairs (in complete list):

('Toyota', 'Lexus', 13)
('Disney', 'ESPN', 12)
('Audi', 'Volkswagen', 11)
('AT&T', 'Verizon', 10)
('J.P. Morgan', 'Chase', 8)
[United States] is similar to: [('Canada', 47), ('United Kingdom', 42)]
[Russian Federation] is similar to: [('Ukraine', 7), ('Lithuania', 4)]
[China] is similar to: [('United States', 39), ('Taiwan', 38)]
[India] is similar to: [('China', 28), ('Pakistan', 17)]
[Colombia] is similar to: [('Venezuela', 11), ('Ecuador', 10)]
[Singapore] is similar to: [('Malaysia', 16), ('Indonesia', 15)]
[Norway] is similar to: [('Denmark', 20), ('Iceland', 16)]
[Brazil] is similar to: [('Argentina', 20), ('Portugal', 15)]
[Argentina] is similar to: [('Brazil', 20), ('Falkland Islands', 17)]

Most similar pairs (in complete list):

('American Samoa', 'Samoa', 59)
('Ireland', 'United Kingdom', 48)
('Guinea', 'Papua New Guinea', 47)
('Canada', 'United States', 47)
('South Sudan', 'Sudan', 46)