- 3
Add ref support
#94 opened by streetlogics - 1
Can't get "-o" icon names to render
#91 opened by miki-nis - 4
AriaLabel Prop is Effectively Broken
#61 opened by JustinNusca - 3
Mark repository as archived?
#83 opened by TomasHubelbauer - 2
- 1
Can you add your own icons to this lib?
#79 opened by tschaka1904 - 1
- 19
Unable to use this
#15 opened by csterritt - 1
most of the icons don't work anymore
#77 opened by alighali85 - 1
Change style of the font
#76 opened by taiharry108 - 10
No Icons showing
#44 opened by AndreasVolkmann - 3
Cant use brands
#75 opened by lukepighetti - 2
Title prop would be extremely useful
#74 opened by kello3000 - 1
Font awesome 5 integration
#73 opened by preritmohan - 1
Title attribute like img
#72 opened by AlessandroAnnini - 10
Please update to Font-Awesome 5
#69 opened by tashburn - 2
Got error when npm run test.
#67 opened by kmvan - 5
Title not appearing in Chrome
#70 opened by camloken - 6
Font Awesome 5 compatibility
#63 opened by fabriceci - 3
Issue with React.Portal ?
#64 opened by natalie-natsu - 3
- 2
icon does not change with state change
#65 opened by drheinheimer - 4
Unable to view rendered icon
#60 opened by fergatron - 6
Icons are not appearing
#59 opened by atulS7inc - 1
Add Css Modules to readme
#57 opened by rvmourik - 2
How to use the cssModule prop?
#56 opened by rvmourik - 4
Spin counter-clockwise
#55 opened by atxpace - 3
Displaying with no dimensions
#53 opened by jayqui - 2
Seems to require css file
#52 opened by jbernard1 - 2
Font Awesome 4.7
#48 opened by Ideki - 9
Icons don't display
#16 opened by timfpark - 14
- 4
React v15.5.0 createClass warning.
#45 opened by gabrielrtakeda - 1
NavDropdown html in title
#43 opened by naldir - 1
React.createClass is deprecated
#42 opened by ahmadsholehin - 0
React.PropTypes validation warning
#39 opened by jnsz - 3
Unknown prop on <span> tag
#37 opened by hazeledmands - 3
Icon names do not match website
#29 opened by cainaleaouk - 2
Stacked Icons
#36 opened by chrisdebug - 2
Problem stacking icons
#35 opened by cannin - 6
How do I use this exactly?
#27 opened by amihaiemil - 3
1.5.0 Error Rendering
#33 opened by jatsrt - 3
'icon-' prefix?
#31 opened by gthomas-appfolio - 5
Adds two fa-fa class ?
#26 opened by sathishsoundharajan - 2
Consider using aria?
#20 opened by Phyks - 5
Not working with React 15.3.2
#25 opened by joeyfigaro - 3
Use by css pseudo way
#24 opened by codermango - 3
Best way to handle color change on hover?
#23 opened by acomito - 1
size with a decimal?
#22 opened by acomito - 3
on 1.0+, the npm builds do not always quote 'default' as a key which causes errors on IE8
#17 opened by kurttheviking