
This is summod, a dominions 4 overhaul mod.

Primary LanguageDM


This is summod, a dominions 4 overhaul mod, and it is a work in progress. For discussion: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index.php?showtopic=2764

Thanks to: LambertS, Moggers, Ohlmann, Amuys, Johannes, Algulod, llamabeast, Zonk, Sy, Cruxador, Iceland, Torgoni, Malakal, Fungalreason, AN, Maerlande, Earcaraxe, Eustachy, Yakri, PyroICF, Kate Micucci, EAlb, various anons, and anyone else I've forgotten.

What is the purpose of this mod?
The mod's purpose is a general "gameplay improvement mod." This primarily involves increasing gameplay variety. While balance is involved in this, it is not the only consideration. The changes to the generic section can be quite conservative, but certain nations with severe underlying flaws, such as LA Pythium (coming soon!), receive comprehensive rebuilds.

RANGES USED: Units 6300-6999; Weapons 1400-1500; Armor 750-780; Sites 1800-1850; Nametypes ; Montag 1300-1320; Item 700-799; Spell; restrictitem 1100-1150; Nations; mercenary; event; Sprites: 118

Changelog (v0.77)

Table of Contents

  1. Magic Items
  2. Non-summon Spells
  3. Summon Spells
  4. General Changes
  5. National Changes
  6. Early Age
  7. Middle Age
  8. Late Age

Magic Items

One-handed Weapons

Axe of Hate: N2->N1

Bane Blade: +fear 1

Demon Whip: +undead leadership 20

Dragon Sceptre: const6->4

Duskdagger: +bleeding, +slashing, dmg 2->4, att 2->4

Elf Bane: +dispels glamour

Evening Star: nratt 1->2

Enchanted Sword: +MR1

Enchanted Spear: +MR1

Fire Bola: nratt 1->3

Fire Brand: primary dmg 12->8

Fire Sword: +FR3

Frost Brand: primary dmg 16->6, att 4->2

Heartfinder Sword: B3->B2

Hunter's Knife: +bleeding

Ice Sword: +CR3

Knife of Damned: +horror mark on hit

Lightning Spear: const 4->6, +LR5, A1->2, +secondary effect(AoE 3, dmg 2, shock)

Main Gauche of Parrying: def 4->6

Rat Tail: +beastmaster 2

Rod of the Phoenix: F4->F3

Sceptre of Authority: leadership 25->50

Shadow Brand: const 6->4, D2E1->D1E1, dmg 12->8

Smasher: E2->E1

Snake Bladder Stick: AoE 4->5

Star of Heroes: nratt 1->2

Star of Thraldom: False Fetters AoE 1->5

Summer Sword: const 4->6, N2E1->N1E1, supply bonus 100->200

Sword of Swiftness: def 4->1, autocasts Quickness

Thunder Whip: dmg 10->12, +secondary effect(AoE 1, dmg 10 stun)

Vine Whip: const 4->2, N2->N1, entanglement->AoE 1

Wand of Wildfire: F3->F2


Charcoal Shield: E2F1->E1F1

Enchanted shield: +MR1

Golden Hoplon: F2->F1, FR15->10

Lantern Shield: D2F1->D1F1

Lead Shield: enc 3->2, def 3->7

Lucky Coin: S2->S1, parry 4->6

Scutata Voltrunus: (repeat)autocasts a modified Shock Wave

Shield of the Accursed: S2B1->S1B1, +tainted 5, (repeat)autocasts modified Horror Mark(rng 10, prec -5)

Shield of Valor: +inspirational 1

Totem Shield: (repeat)autocasts a healing spell (AoE3, rng 8, heal 1+)

Weightless Tower Shield: A2->A1

Weightless Kite Shield: A2->A1, def 7->6, prot 21->19

Two-handed Weapons

Bane Blade: +fear 3, dmg 9->12

Banefire Crossbow: const 6->4 , ammo 12->24

Bow of War: const 6->4, ammo 12->24, dmg 11->13

Bow of Botulf: ammo 12->24

Carmine Cleaver: F2E1->F1E1, fireshield 7->10

Doom Glaive: decay->difficult to resist

Enchanted Pike: +MR1, def 1->3

Ethereal Crossbow: ammo 12->24

Gate Cleaver: E3->E2

Gloves of the Gladiator: N2->N1, dmg 3->5, def 1->3

Golden Arbalest: nratt 2->3, ammo 12->24

Halberd of Might: strength bonus 4->8

Hammer of the Mountains: att -1->2

Hell Sword: B3F2->B2F1, dmg 9->15

Ice Pebble Staff: W3->W2

Implementor Axe: dmg 10->12, +on-hit effect(Lesser Fear)

Ivory Bow: D3A1->D1A1, dmg 15->18, prec 2->5, ammo 12->24

Just Man's Cross: prec 4->6, ammo 12->24

Longbow of Accuracy: dmg 15->18, ammo 12->24

Midget Masher: AoE1, dmg 13->0

Moon Blade: S1->S2, +ethereal

Piercer: E1A1->E1, ammo 12->24

Skull Standard: +inspirational 1

Staff of Corrosion: W2F1->W1F1

Staff of Elemental Mastery: ritual range boost 1->2

Staff of Flame Focus: ritual range boost 1->2

Staff of Storms: A5->A4 (gem cost still 25)

Standard of the Damned: D4->D3, +100 undead leadership

Thunder Bow: +AoE1, dmg 0->-3, ammo 12->24

Vine Bow: +AoE1 entangle

Vision's Foe: nratt-3->-2, ammo 12->24

Wraith Sword: D4->D2, +fear, dmg 9->13

Wavebreaker: +autocasts Water Shield, +allows casting of Water Strike


Crown of Command: +undead leadership 50, magic leadership 25->50

Helmet of Heroes: +leadership 50

Iron Face: 4E->3E

Mistletoe Garland: const 2->4, autocasts Twist of Fate

Spirit Helmet: +SR5

Spirit Mask: D2N1->D1N1

Wraith Crown: D6->D4


Berserker Pelt: berserk 0->3

Blacksteel Full Plate: enc 4->3

Blue Dragon Scale Mail: W2->W1, CR15->10

Bone Armor: D5->D4

Brightmail Haubergeon: const 4->6, +awe 1

Chain Mail of Displacement: autocasts Mirror Image

Direwolf Pelt: att 1->3, def 1->3

Enchanted Ring Mail Armor: +MR1

Green Dragon Scale Mail: N2->N1, PR15->10

Hydra Skin Armor: prot 12->15, -FR5

Jade Armor: 2W1E->1W1E

Lightweight Scale Mail: const 2->0, prot 11->14

Marble Armor: prot 16->19, enc 3->2

Red Dragon Scale Mail: F2->F1, FR15->10

Robe of Invulnerability: D4->D2

Silver Hauberk: A2E1->A1E1

Weightless Scale Mail: A2->A1


Brimstone Boots: +reinvigoration 2

Chi Boots: nratt 1->2

Miscellaneous Items

Acorn Necklace: N1E1->N1

Amulet of Breathing: A2->A1

Amulet of Missile Protection: A2->A1

Amulet of the Fish: W1A1->W1

Arcane Lens: ritual range bonus 1->2

Astral Serpent: N1S1->N1

Barkskin Amulet: const 2->0, N2->N1

Barrel of Air: const 6->2

Bear Claw Talisman: const 0->2, E2->E1

Blood Pendant: ritual range 1->2

Bracers of Protection: def 2->3, prot 2->3

Cat Charm: N2->N1

Catseye Amulet: D1E1->D1

Cauldron of Elven Halls: const 4->0

Champions Skull: D2->D1, +inspirational 1

Crystal Heart: E2S2->E1S1

Dancing Trident: dmg 19->21, def 1->2, att 0->3

Effigy of War: false army 50->80

Elixir of Life: N2F2->N1F1

Enchanted Mirror: A2->A1

Enormous Cauldron: const 2->0, supply 100->120

Eye Pendant: D3E3->D3E2, patrolbonus 10->20, diseasehealer 1->3

Gossamer Cloth: const 2->4, hides 25->100

Imp Familiar: undead leadership 1->10

Lychantropos' Amulet: str 4->3, berserk 0->3, +recuperation, -1 pathboost(all)

Manual of Water Breathing: N3W1->N3, breathing 50->200 points

Miraculous Cure All Elixir: N5->N4, disease healer 1->5

Mirror of False Impressions: A4->A2

Pendant of Luck: +autocast Twist of Fate

Pills of Water Breathing: const 4->6, A2->A1, breathing 20->80 points

Ring of Warning: patrol 10->25

Sea King's Goblet: const 6->4, W3->W2, 100->150 points

Skull Talisman: const 0->2

Slave Matrix: E1S1->S1

Stone Idol: E2S2->E1S1

Stone Bird: att 0->2

Stone Sphere: S2E1->S1E1

The Copper Arm: E3F1->E1F1, +forgebonus 1

The Pebble Pouch: range str/3->str, nratt 1->3

Wall Shaker: A3->A2

Water Lens: ritual range 1->2

Woundfend Amulet: E1S1->S1


Amon Hotep: F6S5->F5S5

Aseftik's Armor: enc 4->3, E4->E3

Atlas of Creation: E5S5->E5S4

Boots of Antaeus: E5N1->E3N1

Carcator the Pocket Lich: D4->D2

Draupnir: E5->E4

Fenris Pelt: N4->N3

Gate Stone: E8S8->E7S7

Hammer of Forge Lord: forgebonus 4->8

Harvest Blade: B3N1->B2N1, fear 5->15

Holger the Head: E1D1->E1, (+casts luck on himself)

Monolith Armor: E5->E4, prot 30->32, +reinvigoration 6

Nethgul: S3W2->S2W2

Percival the Pocket Knight: E2N1->E1N1, (hp 11->16, att 11->13, def 16->19, str 11->13)

Sun Slayer: D6->D5

Tempest: A6->A5

The Ark: F6S6->F5S5

The Horror Harmonica: S6D4->S5D3

The Manual of Crossbreeding: B3N3->B2N2

The Sharpest Tooth: N2S1->N1S1

The Staff from the Sun: S5F1->S4F1

The Summit: E6->E4, att 12->15 , def 6->9, +armor piercing

Unquenched Sword: F7->F5, autocasts Unquenched Fire(Living Fire+Heat from Hell)

Wondrous Box of Monsters: N5->N3, +PR5

Non-summon Spells

Site-search Spells

Acashic Knowledge: conj 6->5, 25->20 gems

Arcane Probing: 3->2 gems

Auspex: range 2->3

Dark Knowledge: 4->3 gems


Dome of Arcane Warding: ench 6->4, 10->6 gems

Dome of Corruption: ench 7->5, 20->13 slaves

Dome of Flaming Death: ench7->5, 8->5 gems

Dome of Solid Air: ench 6->5, 20->12 gems

Forest Dome: ench 6->5, 10->8 gems

Frost Dome: ench 6->4, W5->W4, 15->8 gems


Astral Corruption: blood 7->9, 166->222 slaves

Celestial Rainbow: W7N5->W6N4, 80->60 gems

Fata Morgana: A7->A6, 90->80 gems

Forge of the Ancients: conj 7->9, 80->60 gems

Ghost Ship Armada: 60->40 gems

Guardians of the Deep: conj 8->6, 60->40 gems

Lure of the Deep: thau 8->7, 70->50 gems

Mechanical Militia: const 9->7, 80->60 gems

Purgatory: thau 7->6

Riches from Beneath: E5->E4, 70->40 gems

Second Sun: evo 8->7, F8->F6, 80->50 gems

Strands of Arcane Power: evo 9->8

The Kindly Ones: conj 8->7, F6N4->F5N3

The Looming Hell: blood 9->6, B8-B7, 150->100 slaves

Wrath of the Sea: ench 8->6, 70->50 gems

Misc Spells

Acashic Record: 10->5 gems

Breath of the Desert: F3A1->F3

Divine Name: 25->14 gems

Dragon Master: ench 8->6, 30->14 gems

Gift of Reason: 20->12 gems

Raven Feast: A4->A3


(New Spell) Gulf Stream: ench 5, F3, imitates friendly currents

(New Spell) Pyriphlogos Incantation: battlefield-wide fire booster, conj 5, F3, 3 gems

(New Spell) Siren's Blessing: ench 3, A3, removes amphibian penalty

(New Spell) Wild Tangle: conj 3, AoE 2+, scaling version of Tangle Vines

Bonds of Fire: thau 2->1

?Bone Grinding: cripple 100%->50% of battlefield?

Prison of Fire: thau 4->3

Rain of Stones: 1->2 gems

Numbness: alt 3->2

Quickness: +scales

Quickening: AoE 9+->9++

Earthmight: E2->E1, +scales

Iron Warriors: +scales(only to single targets)

Iron Will: +scales

Gift of Flight: +scales

Enlarge: +scales

Mossbody: +scales

Cheat Fate: +scales

Luck: +scales

Battle Fortune: +scales

Protection: +scales

Wooden Warriors: +scales(AoE 5->6+)

Wave Warriors: +scales

Army of Giants: +scales

Berserkers: thau 2->4, range 1->15, +scales

Touch of Madness: thau 4->2, range 15->1

Sulphur Haze: +castable UW

Rust Mist: +castable UW

Ice Strike: +castable UW

Confusion: AoE 1->2

Weakness: +scales(only to single targets)

Enfeeble: AoE 6->10+

Unraveling: S6->S5, 6->4 pearls

Bonemelter: W3N2->W3N1, range 20->25

Sailor's Death: AoE1-> 1 target, 5+ effects

Curse of the Desert: AoE 5->6+

Arcane Bolt: Dmg 10+->10++

All mid-level resists now scale

Spirit Curse: horror marks in addition to cursing

Army of Rats: alt 9->8, N7-N6, 5->3 gems

Skeletal Legion: alt 6->5 (fixed to actaully disease friendly units now (MR negates easily)?

Creeping Doom: +castable UW

Polymorph: range 20->20+

Summon Spells


Flame Spirit: (+generates 1F gem/month)

Fire Drake: 7->5 gems

Summer Lions: summons 5+->7+, (prot 0->7)

Terracotta Army: summons 10++->16+++ (spear->pike), T'ien Ch'i gets a national version of the spell


Clockwork Soldiers: +castable UW, 8->6 gems (reinvigoration -15->-10, prot 18->20, AP 10->12)

Clockwork Horrors: +castable UW, (reinvigoration -15->-12)

Crusher: +castable UW, 15->10 gems (stone fist 1->2, +siege bonus 30)

Cave Drake: 5->4 gems

Fall Bears: summons 5+->8+ (+bite attack, prot 0->10)

Hidden Underneath: +castable UW, 75->60 gems, (sage/released one hp 8->13, warrior hp 10->17, king hp 12->18)

Hidden in Sand: 75->60 gems, (+poor amphibian)

Iron Dragon: +castable UW, 30->20 gems, (+commander, +noleader)

Living Statues: 20->15 gems

Mechanical Men: +castable UW, summons 10++->12++, (prot 18->19)

Siege Golem: +castable UW, const 9->7, 20->10 gems

Troll King's Court: 55->45 gems

Trolls: 15->10 gems


Amphiptere: 5->4 gems, (prec 10->12)

Draconians: 45->40 gems (+talons attack, prot 9->12)

Spring Hawks: 20->30 gems, summons 5+->12++ (prot 0->2)

Watcher: can be transported to an adjacent province for the first month it exists, after which it becomes immobile.

Wyvern: (size 5->4, prot 12->13 +talons attack)


Asp Turtle: 13->8 gems

Catoblepas: 15->10 gems

Claymen: 5->10 gems, summons 5+->16+++

Gelatinous Cube: 4->3 gems, (AP 2->6, +recuperation)

Hidden in Snow: 75->60 gems, (+poor amphibian)

Ice Drake: 7->5 gems

Kokythiad: 40->35 gems

Naiad: 35->30 gems

Naiad Warriors: 30->20 gems

Sea King's Court: 55->45 gems

Sea Trolls: 15->10 gems, (fist->2xclaw)

Winter Wolves: 10->20 gems, summons 5+->10++ (hp 13->16, prot 0->4)

Yetis: 15->12 gems


Abomination: conj 25->15 pearls

Eater of the Dead: 8->6, D4S4->D3S2, 50->25 pearls, (+FR5, +SR5, +pierceresist acid shield at three highest levels, slimer at two highest levels, plague at the highest level)

Ether gate: 90->65 pearls, (ether lord hp 25->30; ether warriors hp 22->25)

Golem: 30->25 pearls

Juggernaut: 25->10 pearls

Telestic Animation: can transport itself to an adjacent province for the first month of its existence, after which it reverts to an immobile form.


Arouse Hunger: summons 9+++->15+++(ghouls)

Bane: 7->6 gems, (hp 23->25 hp)

Behemoth: 10->8 gems

Leviathan: 12->10 gems, land AP 4->6, mapmove 1->2

Mound King: +castable UW

Pale Riders: +castable UW

Poison Golem: 35->25 gems, (banefireshield 5->10, +pierce/slash resist, +fear 10, +mapmovement teleportation)

Reanimation: 5->1 gems, summons 10->4(skeletons)

Reanimate Archers: 5->10 gems, summons 10->20++(skeletal archers)(banefire bows-> armor piercing)

Revenant: +castable UW

Revive Wights: 20->12 gems

Legion of Wights: conj 9->8

Ziz: D3A2->D3A1


Ambush of Tigers: 10++->14++, (+stealthy 40)

Animal Horde: 25->18 gems

Summon Animals: 10->8 gems

Call of the Wild: (werewolf hp 20->25)

Construct Manikin: 12->20 gems, summons 10++->16++++

Construct Mandragora: 10->8 gems

Forest Giant: (+grab and swallow attack)

Forest Troll Tribe: 37->33 gems, (+stealthy 40)

Contact Forest Trolls: 10->7 gems, (+stealthy 40)

Kithaironic Lion: N3E1->N2E1, 3->6 gems, summons 1->2

Lamia Queen: 25->20 gems

Lumber Construct: const 5->3, 5->4 gems (+siege 10)

Pride of Lions: summons 10++->13+++

Sleeper: (+sacred)

Sloth of Bears: (+bite attack)

Swamp Drake: 8->6 gems

Tarrasque: conj 9->6(unique), 25->20 gems (bite->bite and swallow, +prot 18->20, enc 4->2, commander, +noleader,
+recuperation, +slash/pierce/blunt resist, +FR/CR/SR 2, +digest 3, +acid digest 2)

Vine Men: summons 3->5

Vine Ogres: summons 2->3


Bind Succubus: 66->44 gems

Blood Rite: summons 3->7(vampires)

Cross Breeding: 15->12 slaves

Improved Cross Breeding: 20->16 slaves

Dark Vines: 12->30 slaves, summons 2->5

Devil: (+fire shield 6)

Plague of Locusts: (heretic 1->2)

Ritual of Five Gates: 28->24 slaves

Spine Devil: 3->12 slaves, summons 1->3, (prec 5->11, +throw spines attack)

Serpent Fiend: 4->12 slaves, summons 1->3, (att 12->15, str 12->16)

General Changes


Growth/Death: Income 3%->2% per scale

Ohlmann: both excellent in short term gold, and excellent in long term gold. Production is a bit weak, because it doesn't give much money and resources become weaker quite fast. I also think that sloth 3 is not punitive enough.

Maerlande: I think growth is too obvious if you want money. If I remember correctly, Calahan used +2% for growth and gave production the other percent in his version of CBM for serious competition. I think that makes quite a difference to put a bit more decision between these two. Right now, I find growth is almost always a better choice.

sum1won: I'm including this discussion since I expect this is the biggest change in the mod. I'd also note that I modeled income and total gold from growth and order, and the comparison suggests that growth is significantly better over the long term, and nearly as good over the short term. The largest difference in gold is around turn 8-15 (varies depending on how aggressive expansion is) and never really rises above ~5% of income/total gold. Largest difference I saw was a few hundred gold.


Doesn't recruit certain particularly bad troops


Seasonal thrones no longer placed UW


Steel Ovens: level 0->1

Cedar Pillar: level 0->1

Well of Pestilence: rarity swapped with Bonedoor Tower

Ancient Ruin: summons 5 various bugs instead of 1 spider

Farm of Plenty: less common

Caveman Cave: gives 10 resources

Animal Cemetary: summons 4 carrion beasts instead of two

Flesh Eaters Isle: summons 4 ghouls instead of one

The Slaughterhouse: provides supply, summons some extra foulspawn

Isle of Saos: gives the correct units

Armor changes

Surveyed armor, made changes

Full Ring Mail: def -2->-1, rescost 7->6 (Logrians)

Chain Hauberk: def -2->-1

Full Chain Mail: def -3->-2 (LA Man, MA Man, LA Agartha, MA MArignon)*

Plate Cuirass: def -1->0, enc 2->1 (LA Pythium, LA Pangaea LA Ulm, LA/MA Marignon, LA Caelum (two units), LA Ragha (one unit), Therodos (Korybants -increase enc, drop defense), MA Pelagia (one unit), MA/LA Arco)

Plate Hauberk: def -3->-1, enc 4->2 (LA Pythium, Abysia, MA Machaka, LA Marignon, Ghandarvas, MA/LA Arco)**

Full Plate Mail: def -3->-2, enc 5->3 (LA Agartha (lots), MA/LA Marignon (Royal Guard), MA Machaka (Black Hunters)).

Full Chain Ulm: def -3->-2 (MA Ulm)

Full Plate Ulm: def -3->-2 (MA Ulm)

Bronze Cuirass: def -1->0, enc 3->2 (Therodos, MA Pangaea, MA Pelagia)

Bronze Hauberk: enc 5->3 (MA Pan, Pelagia, Oceania, EA Arco, LA Gath)

Spider Armor: rescost 26->20, def -3->-2, enc 4->3 (Machaka)

Ashigaru Armor: def -1->0, enc 2->1 (Shinyu, Yomi, slightly Jomon)*

Samurai Armor: def -2->-1, enc 3->2 (Jomon, Shinyu, Yomi)*

Heavy Samurai Armor: def -3->-2, enc 4->3 (Jomon, Yomi)*

Basalt Armor: enc 6->4, rescost 30->25 (EA Atlantis)

Hoplon: enc 1->2 (this fully offsets the benefits Therodos gets from the cuirass changes)

Jingasa: rescost 2->1

Coral Cuirass: prot 10->12, enc 2->1, rescost 7->10 (MA, LA Atlantis)?

Coral Hauberk: prot 12->14, def -2->-1, enc 3->2, rescost 10->15 (EA Pelagia, MA, LA Atlantis)?

Coral Barding: prot 11->16, rescost 12->20 (Oceania Aphroi)?

Turtle Shell Armor: prot 9->10 (EA Pelagia, EA/MA Oceania)?

Turtle Shell Barding: prot 9->10 (Oceania Icthycentaurs)?

Centaur Barding (Bronze): prot 16->17, enc 4->3 (MA Pan)

Centaur Barding (Iron): prot 17->18, enc 3->2 (LA Pan)

Amber Hauberk: rescost 18->15

Amber Shield: def 4->6

*Added Laminated Scale Mail

*Added Treated Scale Hauberk


Mace: dmg 5->6 (Nazca, Marignon, Bandar Log/Patala/Kailasa/Lanka, Mictlan)

Hammer: dmg 7->8 (MA Ulm, Claymen)

Maul: dmg 9->10 (MA Ulm)

Machaka Spear: rescost 3->2, att -1->0 (EA/MA Machaka)

Chakram: ammo 2->5 ammo (Bandar Log, Patala)

Throw Spines: changed to dmg str-10

Obsidian Clubsword(1-h): dmg 4->5, att 0->1

Yari: rescost 1->2

Wakizashi: rescost 4->2

Added non-rust equipment from non-rust mod:

Laminated Glaive

Laminated Yari



Bronze Glaive


Bronzed Falchion

Bronzed Kryss

Indie changes

Hoburg Crossbows: 7->9g

Heavy Cav (Indie) 19, 20, 21: dropped cost to 25

Knight (Indie) 22: cost 35->30

Light Cav (Indie) 24, 25, 26: dropped cost to 15; javelin light cav get light lances

Horse Tribe Chief/Brother: cost 55->45

Imperial Commander 2117: cost 65->55

Horse Tribe Cav: cost 25->15

Horse Brother: cost 25->15

Jade Maiden 370: cost 50->45

Nightmare 369: cost 85->70

Cataphract 1187: cost 30->35

Hog Knights: Rsize 2->1

*Barbarians no longer look like Skwisgaar; they now wield axes.

*Ichtyid, Triton, Terman, Frog Clan poptypes now provide indie scouts.

*Amphibious poptypes now provide better troops and shamans.

*Various amphibious indies given non-ferric equipment.

National Changes

Early Age

Arcoscephale, Golden Era

Chariot Archer: 55->45 gold

Ermor, New Faith

Equites: 35->30 gold

Equites of the Sacred Shroud: 50->45 gold

Ulm, Enigma of Steel
Marverni, Time of Druids

Eponi Knights: 30->25 gold, +hoof attack

Eponi Chieftan: 100->95 gold, +hoof attack

Sauromatia, Amazon Queens

Lancer, Raider: 20->17 gold

Sauromatian Lancer, Sauromatian Raider: 25->22 gold

Sauromatian Cataphract: 35->30 gold

Androphag: 75->55 gold

Oioropata: 50->35 gold

Warrior Priestess: 130->110 gold

Warrior Queen: 175->145 gold

Manflayer: 155->135 gold

Hydra Hatchling: 35->28 gold, +recuperation

Hydra: 250->180 gold, +recuperation

Daughter of Typhon: conj 9->8, 30->20 gems

T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn

Horseman: 20->18 gold

Celestial Servant: 3->2 gems (from MA T'ien Ch'i changes)

Internal Alchemy: 10->2 gems (from MA T'ien Ch'i changes)

Machaka, Lion Kings

Machaka Militia: +foreign recruit

Machaka Warriors: 10->8 gold, spear->Machaka spear, +foreign recruit

Machaka Chief: +foreign recruit

Pygmy Warriors: +forest recruit

Spider Clan Archers: 15->13 gold

Spider Clan Warriors: +furs

Spider Clan Sorcerer: +not slow-to-recruit

Spider Rider: size 5->4, 50->35 gold

Great Spider: +20 gold, size 5->4, MR5->8, str 11->16 (from MA Machaka changes)

Mictlan, Reign of Blood

Sun Warriors: 18->14 gold, hp 12->13, mapmove 1->2

Tlahuelpuchi: B2->B2D2, 25->34 slaves

Civateteo: B2D2->B2, (+douse 1)

*From Xibalba changes Beast Bat: MR15->11, def 13->11, +animal, +undisciplined, -1 siege/defense (total siege/defense of 2.44->1.44 each)

Abysia, Children of Flame

Anathemant Dragon: 265->240 gold, +0.5ESDB, startage 35(32)->31(32)

Anathement Salamander: +0.1 ESDB, 175->150 gold

Annointed of Rhuax: 0.1->0.5 FESB, +douse 1

(New Spell) Childen of Rhuax: Abysian version of Rhuax Pact, conj 3, F4E1, 2 gems

(New Spell) Abysian Cross Breeding: Abysian-themed version of the Cross Breeding spell

Summon Scorpion Man: conj 8->6, 12->10 gems, (+commander, +iron cap, +torso slot)(credit to johannes)

*Casting Gift of Reason on demonspawn results in either a misbred commander (if they have afflictions), a blood hunter, or an assassin.

Caelum, Eagle Kings
C'tis, Lizard Kings

Lizard Chariot: 50->40 gold, 26->20 rescost, (bronze scale mail curaiss->iron, bronze cap->iron)

Serpent Dancers: stronger weapons (snake staff: att 1->2, dmg 3->5, on-hit poison 5[weak]->15[strong])

Summon Scorpion Man: conj 8->6, 12->10 gems, (+commander, +iron cap, +torso slot)(from Abysia changes-credit to johannes)

*Shaman Prophetshape gets a pathboost (S/N +1)

Pangaea, Age of Revelry

Minotaurs: 40->35 gold

Minotaur Warriors: 50->35 gold

Agartha, Pale Ones

Ancient One: spear->UW spear

Ancient Lord: battleaxe->bronze battleaxe

Engraver: hammer->(stone)knife

Tir na n'Og, Land of the Ever Young

Fir Bolg Militia, Fir Bolg Warrior, Shide Warrior: stone spear->bronze spear

Fomoria, The Cursed Ones

Fir Bolg Warrior: stone spear->bronze spear

Vanheim, Age of Vanir

Summon Valkyries: A3D1->A2D1, (from EA Helheim change)

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Helheim, Dusk and Death

Helkarl: 165->195 gold, +1.1 AD, leadership 80->40

Summon Valkyries: A3D1->A2D1, (also benefits EA/MA Vanheim)

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

(New Spell) Rouse Draugar: conj 7, D4A1, 30 gems, summons 14++

*Helheim summons stronger Draugar than other nations.

Niefelheim, Sons of Winter

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings

Bandar Warriors: 18->17 gold

Bandar Swordsmen: hp 18->20, att 11->12, def 10->11, prec 9->10

Light Bandar Archer: 18->17 gold

Yavana Archers: 35->30 gold, def 11->12, awe 1->2, dagger->falchion

Yavanas: 40->30 gold, def 14->15, awe 1->2

Guhyakas: 30->26 gold, def 11->12, +javelin

Ghuyaka General: not slow-to-recruit, +javelin

Yakshas: def 11->13, awe 1->2

Yakshini: awe 1->2

*Summon changes apply to Kailasa, Bandar Log and Patala

Summon Devata: 45->40 gems, (S2->3, hp 28->40, str 17->18, att 14->15, def 12->14, 45->75 magical leadership, autocasts an animal-only Antimagic)

Summon Devala: 55->40 gems, (S3->4, +autocasts Celestial Music)

Summon Rudra: 55->45 gems, (hp 32->48, prot 2->4, str 18->20, def 13->15, att 15->17, prec 13->15, autocast Wrathful Skies)

Summon Gandharva: 18->15 pearls, (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

Summon Apsaras: (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

Lanka, Land of Demons

Bandar Warriors: 18->17 gold (note: bandar changes are there because bandar are being universally changed)

Bandar Archer: 18->17 gold

Summon Dakini: 50->66 slaves (applies to Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala)

Summon Samanishada: B3D1->B2D1, 35->30 slaves

Summon Sandhyabalas: summons 3->4

*Lanka's indie priests have 2.5X upkeep costs. Will not display until turn after recruitment. Indie flavor text changed to reflect this.

Yomi, Oni Kings

*Summon changes from MA Shinuyama

Summon Karasu Tengus: conj 2->5, N1A1->N3A1, 3->10 gems, summons 3->12+

Summon Konoha Tengus: conj 3->2

Summon Dai Tengu: 55->40 gems

Contact Nushi 25->20 gems

Summon Gozu-Mezu: 7->5 gems

Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen

Horites: +throw rocks

Horite Champions: +throw rocks

Rephaite Warriors: 115->100 gold

Kohen: 240->200 gold, leadership 80->40, +douse 1

Ba'al: 455->430 gold, +douse 2

Melqarts: 485->460 gold, +not cap only

Ur, The First City

*Ur pretenders automatically heal all afflictions while at the capital.

*PD is less garbage, and includes sirrush, great lions, and more Enkidu of better quality.

Enkidu: 16->12 gold, att 10->9, +fort recruit

Enkidu Archer 16->15 gold, att 9->10, +fort recruit

Enkidu Soldier: 16->15 gold, att 10->11, def 11->12

Enkidu Warrior: 16->15 gold, att 10->11, def 11->12, +fort recruit

Enkidu Hunter, Head Hunter, Hunter Chief: att 10->11, def 8->9, +cap recruit

Enkidu Reaver, Bone Reader: +cap recruit

Enkidu Spear Guard: 16->18 gold, mor 10->11, att 10->11, def 11->13

Ur Guard: 19->18, def 12->13

Enki's Chosen: 29->26 gold, def 12->14

Gala: (elegist 2->4)

Sirrush: 200->170 gold, (prot 15->17)

Berytos, The Phoenix Empire
Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun

*Lances replaced with Stone lances, which are non-iron and +2 resources

Xibalban Warrior: 7->8 gold

Large Scorpion: rescost 1->34

Beast Bat: MR15->11, def 13->11, +animal, +undisciplined, -1 siege/defense (total siege/defense of 2.44->1.44 each)

Batab: +slow to recruit if recruited outside a fort

Ah Nakom: 70->75 gold, increase unrest 2->4/month

Onaqui: increase unrest 2->4/month

Atlantis, Emergence of the Deep Ones

(New Unit) Shambler Reefmage: relatively expensive for W1 1.0%FWE 0.5%FES, coast recruit

R'lyeh, Time of Aboleths

*Ferrous equipment replaced with UW equivalents

Slave Trooper(net), Lobo Guard: +coast recruit

Polypal Spawn: can go on land but die after 2 turns

Androdai: 190->125 gold, 1.0%WESD->1.1%WED

Polypal Mothers: +can research

Grandmother: +inspired researcher

Mindlord: 420->360 gold, 1.1%WESD -> 1.0%WSD 1.0%WESD 0.05%ED

(New Spell) Blessing of Limne: const 6, W4, 10 gems, mass-forge spell to produce Amulets of the Fish

Pelagia, Pearl Kings

(New Spell) Blessing of Limne: const 6, W4, 10 gems, mass-forge spell to produce Amulets of the Fish

Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns

Ichtytaurs: 40->35 gold, +gore attack while underwater

Capricorns 360->330 gold, +E1/-W1 pathboost on land, +small chance of a blood random.

(New Spell) Contact Angelfish: conj 7, N3W3, 40 gems, UW only, (A1W2N3 +1.0AW, +1A/-1W on land, flyer)

(New Spell) Contact Devilfish: blood 7, B3W3, 50 slaves, UW only, (W1E1B3 demon-kraken, aquatic)

(New Spell) Bind Shark Fiends: blood 4, 13 slaves, (demon-shark, berserking, 3 attacks, amphibious)

(New Spell) Feeding Frenzy: thau 4, N2B1, 2 gems, UW only, battlefield-wide animal and demon berserk

(New Spell) Sharknado: blood 9, B5W3, 40 slaves, UW only, summons 10++ Shark Fiends

Therodos, Telkhine Spectre

*Popkill scales with growth/death scales. Still ~0.5 at G0, but ~0.8 at D3 and ~0.2 at G3

*Sacreds are reclimit 2 at D3, reclimit 4 at D1, reclimit 6 at G1, and reclimit 8 at G3

*Starting army is a now a mix of living and dead units.

Kourete, Spectral Kourete, Korybant: sword->50% chance of 3 attacks (slash, stab, bash)

Melia: awe 3->1

(New Unit) Spectral Melia. Taking death scales automatically provides it, with a small chance per fort of spawning additional Spectral Melia. This scales with dominion and death scales.

(New Unit) Therodian Swordsman: heavy infantry, coast recuit

(New Unit) Merman Mercenary: heavy infantry, amphibian, UW recruit

(New Unit) Triton Mercenary: heavy infantry, aquatic, UW recruit

(New Unit) Triton Mercenary Captain: heavy infantry, aquatic, UW recruit

(New Unit) Telkhine Adjutant: A1W2 +1.1FAWD, slow-to-recruit, sailing, holy, old, coast recruit

Call Ephor: 7->5 gems

Telkhine: +increase death scale

(New Spell) Summon the Waters of Stygia: conj 8, W5A2, 69 gems, global, increases popkill/death scales in Therodos territory, produces sacred freespawn, and has a chance at generating sites that produce water gems.

Middle Age

Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
Ermor, Ashen Empire

*Ermor receives a D1 site that spawns in land (not water provinces) they control with high dominion and low population, and reduced cap income. Marignon can convert these sites into S1 sites by sufficient preaching with an inquisitor.

*50% more gold cost for all forts.

*Starts at Cold 1.

Dusk Elders: slightly more resistant to magic duel (equivalent to having +S1)

Sceleria, The Reformed Empire
Pythium, Emerald Empire

Angel of Fury: 35->25 pearls, blood vengeance 4->0, +damage reflection 2, +self-blesses

Angelic Host: S5->S4F1, 50->40 pearls

Heavely Choir: S7F2->S5F3, 144->88 pearls, (Angels of the Heavely Choir: +weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

Serpent Cataphract: 60->45 gold, rescost 56->49

Serpent Lord: 90->75 gold, rescost 56->49

Hydra Hatchling: 35->28 gold, +recuperation (changes from EA Sauromantia)

Hydra: 250->180 gold, +recuperation (changes from EA Sauromantia)

Man, Tower of Avalon

Long Spear: scale mail cuirass->chain mail hauberk

Logrian Warrior: 12->11 gold

Logrian Cavalry: 30->20 gold

Warden of Avalon: mm1->2

Knight 45->35 gold

Avalon knight 65->50 gold

Knight commander of avalon 110 ->100 gold

New Knight Commander of Man, 60 gold

Round Table Implementation (Knights of Avalon and Knight Commanders can turn into Knights of the Round Table).

Knights of Avalon are recruitable in sufficiently magical forted forests

Lord warden mm1->2, H1

Logrian random AFEN->AFE

Crone Randoms: AEWN-> AN/.5EWF

New Spell: n1a1 "Bewitchment" Aoe1+ confusion effect range 25 fatigue 20 ench 5

Man gets transformation at 5 gems

Man gets a Hex spell that is essentially a small-aoe polymorph. N2, Alt 7, 1 gem, aoe 3+

Slumber spell added. Battlefield wide 30++++ fatigue damage mr negates spell. Evo 8, N4, 1 gem.

W1N2: Incantantion of Morgan: Aoe 5, Research 6 alt liquid body, weapons of sharpness

N3H1: Aegis of Niniane: Aoe 5, Resarch 5 ench Mossbody/Elemental Resistance

A2N2: Cloak Of Ygraine: Luck + Twist Fate, research 3 alt, Aoe 5

E1N2: Fortification of Isolde: Legions of Steel, Weapons of Sharpness, Aoe 5, Research 3 ench

Mother of Avalon paths N(AN)(AN).2(WE)->N2A1(WE).25(N)

Crone paths improved (ANWE)->(AN)(WE)

Bonding Wardens is a common event; bonds a warden to a mother as a 1batstartsummon

New Item: Rowan Staff. MA Man only, usable by mothers and Crones. N2A2, +2 pen, +2 precision, allows 5 fatigue casting of Bewitchment.

Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
Ulm, Forges of Ulm

Black Lord 110->100 gold discount

Black Knight 50->40 gold discount

Marignon, Fiery Justice

Angel of Fury cost->25 pearls, self-blesses, damage reflection

Angelic Host S5->S4F1, 50->40 pearls

Heavely Choir ->S5F3, 88 pearls, choir angels now get an anti-undead ranged attack

Man at Arms 14->13 gold

Flagellant 10->9 gold

Witchhunter 185->175 gold, 0.1 FAES random

Royal Guard - 45->35 gold

Knight of the Chalice - 55->45 gold

Paladin - 155->135 gold

High inquistor- not str, 0.5 S random added

Members of the inquisition (nonwitchfinders) can pillage in friendly provinces (with population) to generate flagellants. More flagellants are generated the higher the rank of the inquisitor. Higher dominion and the presence of a temple also provide bonuses.

Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver

Tlahuelpuchi cost 25->33 Pathreq B2->B2D2

Civateteo pathreq B2D2->B2, douse 1

Sun Warriors 12->13 hp, 11->12 strength, 18->15 gold

T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy

Conscription: Eunuchs foreignrec. They can summon montag conscripts. Conscripts are militia-stat versions of the 3 footmen and the archer (ratio 1:1:1:2). On reaching 24 exp, conscripts either desert or become regular units via expshape.

Masters of the Way W (WS) from W (WSAF)

Celestial Master MM1->2

Celestial Servant 3->2 gems

Horsemen, 20->18 gold

Heavy Horsemen, 35->27 discount

Imperial Horsemen 40-30 gold dicount

Redguard Springpower 50->25, 55->45 gold

Prince General H1 Springpower 50->25, 240->210 gold

Celestial Servent 3-> 2 gems

Internal Alchemy 10-> 2 gems

Thousand Year Ginseng 8->2 gems

Terracotta warriors summons national versions of terracotta troops.

Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors

Starting army is 20/20

Pygmies are forestrec

Witchdoctors are forestrec, 100 gold, -5 researchbonus, and N (FED)(EDN)from 80 gold FDN

Sorcerors are 195->180 gold, FDN2 (EDF) 0.25N from FDN2 1.1(EDNF)

Sorceresses are 85->90 gold, 0.1->0.4 FEDN

Machaka Archers are 10->9 gold

Machaka Warriors are 10->9 gold, the ones without javelins wear furs

Machaka Warriors and Chiefs are Foreignrec

Voices of the Lord are 115->90 gold, STR, and Foreignrec

Eyes of the Lord are 90->80 STR and Foreignrec

Ears of the Lord are 65->50 gold and Foreignrec

Bane Spiders are 110->80 gold and have 11->12 strength, 13->14 attack, 10->12 defense

Spider Warriors have +1 defense, 25->20 gold, and have dagger->poison dagger

Nonsacred spiders are now size 4, have higher strength and MR, and cost upkeep.

So, spider Knights are 55->40 gold, wield lances, and are size 4 Spider Riders are 40->25 gold, and size 4 with light lances

Hunter Spiders (Black spiders) now have a fear weapon

Spider form has MR 5->10 and strength 16->18, and upkeep 0->50

Hoplites are 14->13 gold

Agartha, Golem Cult
Abysia, Blood and Fire

Addition of ?Childen of Rhuax? spell - Abysian version of Rhuax pact, requiring F4E1.

Summon scorpion man now summons a commander, costs 10 gems, has torso credit to johannes

Addition ?abysian crossbreeding? (abysian themed version of the crossbreeding spell.)

GoRing Demonspawn results in either a misbred commander (if they have afflictions), a blood hunter, or an assassin.

Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim

Spire Horn Archers (128) get a composite bow instead of a shortbow

Ice Bow does 9->11 damage

New Monster: Ice Enchanter. W2 with an FSD random and a AWS random

C'tis, Miasma

*Shaman Prophetshape gets a pathboost (S/N +1)

Pangaea, Age of Bronze

Minotaurs: 40->35 gold

War Warriors: 50->45 gold

Asphodel, Carrion Woods

Spawns occasional N1 sites on sufficiently decayed templed forest provinces

Minotaurs 5 gold discount (50->45; 40->35)

Vanheim, Arrival of Man

Summon Valkyries: A3D1->A2D1, (from EA Helheim change)

Jotunheim, Iron Woods

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Vanarus, Land of the Chuds

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Bandar Log, Land of the Apes

White Ones -5 gold

Royal Swordsmen -4 gold, +1 atk

Bandar Archers 18->17 gold

Bandar Warriors 18->17 gold 11->12 attack

All Vanara Units -1 gold

Nagas 20->15 gems

Nagaraja 30->25 gems

*Summon changes from EA Kailasa

Contact Yaksha: (def 11->13, awe 1->2)

Contact Yakshini: (awe 1->2)

Summon Devata: 45->40 gems, (S2->3, hp 28->40, str 17->18, att 14->15, def 12->14, 45->75 magical leadership, autocasts an animal-only Antimagic)

Summon Devala: 55->40 gems, (S3->4, +autocasts Celestial Music)

Summon Rudra: 55->45 gems, (hp 32->48, prot 2->4, str 18->20, def 13->15, att 15->17, prec 13->15, autocast Wrathful Skies)

Gandharva: 18->15 pearls, (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

Apsaras: (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

*Summon changes from EA Lanka

Summon Dakini: 50->66 slaves (applies to Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala)

Summon Samanishada: B3D1->B2D1, 35->30 slaves

Summon Sandhyabalas: summons 3->4

Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono

Kappa Shaman: +UW recruit

Size 2 Bakemono are now slaves

Shuten-Doji Taskmaster 2

Bakemono General Inspiration 1

Bakemono Shaman get 0.2 F, 0.2 E, 0.2 D randoms

Dai Bakemono 30->25 gold

Dai Bakemono without bow 11->12 attack

(New Unit) Kappa Mage: W1, 45 gold, UW fort recuit

Summon Gozu-Mezu: 7->5 gems

Summon Ko Oni effects 5+ >7++

Summon Ao Oni 10->4 gems

Summon Aka Oni 10->4 gems

Summon Oni - 12->7 gems

Summon Kuro Oni 10->6 gems, 4->4+ effects

Oni General Research 6->5, 20->14 gems

Dai Oni 45->35 gems, research 8->7

Karusu Tengu Conj 2-> 5, 3->10 gems, 3->10+ effects

Konoha Tengu research level 3->2

Dai Tengu 55->40 gems

Nushi 25->20 gems

Kitsune 30->23 gems

New Ritual ?Hide Heart? (D2F2, 16 gems, research 5) produces a ?Ritual Assistant? that, when alone with a Sorceror on a mountain that isn?t already occupied, generates a hidden heart and makes the sorceror immortal. However, if the heart is destroyed, the sorceror dies.

Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun
Xibalba, Flooded Caves

Jungle Muuch mm2

Darts ammo 4->6

Muuch Warrior (Bronze): +1 morale, attack, defense, +4 gold

Red Muuch not cap limited

Poison Dart stun damage increased to 50 (same as blowpipe)

Obsidian Warrior 26->22 gcost

muuch kahal paths W2E1D1(WEDN)-> W1E1D1 (WD) (WEDN) or (WED)(WDN)

Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
R'lyeh, Fallen Star
Pelagia, Triton Kings
Oceania, Mermidons

Late Age

Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance

Agema Commander 105->100 gold

Agema Companion 35->30 gold

Pythium, Serpent Cult

Folds in LA Pythium overhaul mod. Troops slightly improved, but the main thing is a mechanic that lets you switch between active cults, with different bonuses provided for any of the three possible choices.

All cults have their divine authority increased when endorsed. This might give them priest levels, remove heretic, and/or decrease a research malus.

Serpent Cult gets more hydras and snakes as summons, while assassins and hydras stop being cult only. They can also shapeshift into monstrous snakes, and get a new magic item that can only be used when they are endorsed. Finally, they get access to Swamps of Pythia from CBM (thanks, llama!).

Solar Cult gets cheaper and easier recruitment of their members, and gets a reclimit sacred. They get a new solar bull summon, and a ritual that can convert Leos into Helioperses, who are effective thugs, and the only unit that can wield the 4 new solar cult items. Casting second sun provides some freespawn. They also get an F2H3 buff that significantly increases the combat prowess of sacreds, but will severely burn sacreds who aren't members of the cult of the solar bull (fire resistance helps).

Fertility cult can convert casters into Galli, who are their clergy, and their main access to their rituals. They get very cheap assassination rituals that can send maenads, boars, or lions after an enemy, can shapechange into monstrous lions or boars, can throw bloody fertility rites and orgies, and inexpensively summon boars and lions with summerpower. They also get cheaper vine men.

Reference is made to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nkTDn9yhYQrRcN6k0dTjzs5DpuKxiauV76wA0zQnkTs for the full changelog.

Lemuria, Soul Gates

Spectrals weapons are now hardmrnegates.

Receive a D1 site that spawns in land (not water provinces) they control with high dominion and low population,

reduced cap income.

Prefers cold 1

Pays 50% more for all forts, but recruits from fortera 2

Starts with a D2 mage;

acolytes D1H1-> D1H1(DS)

PD uses centurions. Acolytes appear at 20 pd.

Chance of spawning tribunes and centurions in capital during expansion.

Man, Towers of Chelms

Tower Knight 45gold->35

Axemen mm1-> mm2

Warden, Lord Warden MM2

Magister Arcane: Siege bonus, siege defense 10

Magister: Always provides research, magic paths changed from 0.5A, 0.5E, 0.25S to 0.40 AE, 0.5 S, 100->70 gold.

Judge 70->50 gold, paths changed from 0.25F, 0.25D to 0.45F, 0.45D, no longer needs forts

Ulm, Black Forest

Black Templar 70->50 gold

Hochmeister 120->105 gold

Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea

Angel of Fury cost->25 pearls, self-blesses, damage reflection

Angelic Host S5->S4F1, 50->40 pearls

Heavely Choir S6F2->S5F3, 88 pearls, choir angels now get an anti-undead ranged attack

Starting Army city guard -> Pikeneers

Goetic Masters are stronger ritual casters

Mictlan, Blood and Rain

Rain Warriors 23->20 gold

Returned have stone glaives (7 damage) instead of spears

sun warriors cost 18->15; Hp 12->13; Strength 10->11

Tlahuelpuchi cost 25-33 Pathreq B2->B2D2

Civateteo pathreq B2D2->B2, douse 1

T'ien Ch'i, Barbarian Kings

Khan 140->130 gold

Light Barbarian Horsemen 20->17 gold

Jomon, Human Daimyos

Ashigaru Archer added (As Ashigaru is to Bandit: 8 gold, not stealthy)

Samurai, Samurai archer 9->10 hp

Aka-Oni Samurai 15->14 gold

Samurai Cav 40->30 gold, Longbow

Sohei, Yamabushi 26 gold -> 21

Mounted Gokenin, Hatamoto given Longbows

Fivefold path monks: 1.00->1.20 randoms

meditation sign: 20+5/level fatigue reduction

earth-touching sign: range scales

welcome sign: range scales

Courage sign: Aoe 2++->4++

Tatsu 200% randoms->300%, 19 gems->25

Gozu-Mezu 7->5 gems

Summon Ko Oni effects 5+ >7++

Summon Ao Oni 10->4 gems

Summon Aka Oni 10->4 gems

Summon Oni - 12->7 gems

Summon Kuro Oni 10->6 gems, 4->4+ effects

Oni General Research 6->5, 20->14 gems

Dai Oni 45->35 gems, research 8->7

Karusu Tengu Conj 2-> 5, 3->10 gems, 3->10+ effects

Konoha Tengu research level 3->2

Dai Tengu 55->40 gems

Nushi 25->20 gems

Kitsune 30->23 gems

Agartha, Ktonian Dead

Blindlord; 140->110 gold, insp 1, goodleader->okleader

Blindfighter Strength 11->12

Cave Knight 10 gold discount

Servant of Oracles given mm2

Abysia, Blood of Humans

Addition of ?Childen of Rhuax? spell - Abysian version of Rhuax pact, requiring F4E1.

Summon scorpion man now summons a commander, costs 10 gems, has torso credit to johannes

Addition ?abysian crossbreeding? (abysian themed version of the crossbreeding spell.)

GoRing Demonspawn results in either a misbred commander (if they have afflictions), a blood hunter, or an assassin.

Newts discounted by 85->70 gold

Anathemant Salamanders 175->160 gold, given 0.2 FESD random

Anathemant Dragons 310->295 gold, given 0.2 FESD additional random

Caelum, Return of the Raptors
C'tis, Desert Tombs
Pangaea, New Era

Pan EDNB random is 10%->30%

Minotaurs 5 gold discount (50->45; 40->35).

Midgard, Age of Men

Summon Valkyries: A3D1->A2D1, (from EA Helheim change)

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Utgard, Well of Urd

Awaken Draugar: 12->10 gems

Bogarus, Age of Heroes

Grid Druzhina 30->25 gold

Malaia Druzhina 45->35 gold

Styag 40->30 gold

Black Hood 25->15 gold

Patala, Reign of the Nagas

Bandar Archers 18->17 gold

Bandar Warriors 18->17 gold 11->12 attack

All Vanara Units -1 gold

*Summon changes from EA Kailasa

Contact Yaksha: (def 11->13, awe 1->2)

Contact Yakshini: (awe 1->2)

Summon Devata: 45->40 gems, (S2->3, hp 28->40, str 17->18, att 14->15, def 12->14, 45->75 magical leadership, autocasts an animal-only Antimagic)

Summon Devala: 55->40 gems, (S3->4, +autocasts Celestial Music)

Summon Rudra: 55->45 gems, (hp 32->48, prot 2->4, str 18->20, def 13->15, att 15->17, prec 13->15, autocast Wrathful Skies)

Gandharva: 18->15 pearls, (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

Apsaras: (+weak anti-undead/demon ranged attack)

*Summon changes from EA Lanka

Summon Dakini: 50->66 slaves (applies to Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala)

Summon Samanishada: B3D1->B2D1, 35->30 slaves

Summon Sandhyabalas: summons 3->4

Gath, Last of the Giants
Ragha, Dual Kingdom

PD now use a greater proprotion of light infantry.

Zhayedans cost 40 gold each time they lose a rider

Karapans cost 100->110 gold

Athravans are coldrec 1, to reduce flying sacred parties

Turan Sorcerors are heatrec 2, 225->265 gold

Airya Seraphs are coldrec 2, 225->265 gold

Paighans have militia morale, are 8->9 gold

Turan infantry are all +1 goldcost

Turan Elephants are +10 goldcost

Airya archers and infantry are +1 goldcost

Xibalba, Return of the Zotz

Beastbats 1.44 siege defense from 2.44, undisciplined, lower MR.

Chilans Recruited in Caves are STR

Zotz lances are stone, and cost +2 resources

Zotz cost a minimum of 8 gold.

Atlantis, Frozen Sea
R'lyeh, Dreamlands

spawns occasional S1 sites on templed coastal provinces with sufficiently high dominion

All freespawn is 0 upkeep

Create Voidrift: Thau 6 S5W2 10 pearl ritual that can create a site that allows void-summoning.