
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ETL Design repository

This repository is a collection of tools to optimize the ETL layout and run simple acceptance studies.


ETL.py has the main code and classes for the ETL geometry.

Studies to populate Dees can be run with

ipython -i dee_geometry.py -- --modules L --dee_layout updated

Options are:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --skip_acceptance     Don't run the acceptance studies
  --comparison          Make a comparison plot of the different scenarios
  --modules {S,M,L}     Module size
  --dee_layout {baseline,updated,plain,updatedV2}
                        Select which dee layout to use
  --seal                Add space for seal
  --no_feedthrough      Don't put the geometry for feedthrough


Several assumption about LGAD sensors are made:

  • Formulas for the radiation dependence are all in sensors.py.
  • Every sensor is assumed to draw 0.75mA from the BV supply coming from surface effects etc (independent of irradiation), which dominates over the per-pixel leakage current of up to 0.25mA at end-of-life. These numbers were provided by Nicolo, and account for safety margins.