
Finds duplicate files and provides analytics tools.

Primary LanguagePython


This GitHub repository provides a tool to scan a directory for duplicate files and provides analytics tools. It consists of two files, driver.py and filemanager.py.


The filemanager.py file provides a set of functions that are used to manage files and folders. It provides functions to get a list of files and directories in a given path, check if a file or directory exists and delete a file or directory. It also provides a function to get the hash of a file, which is used by the driver.py file to identify duplicate files.


The analytics.py file provides analytics tools for analyzing the data stored in the Hash_info class. The get_duplicates function finds duplicate files based on the hashes stored in Hash_info. The get_stats function provides statistics on the number of files, their sizes, and the number of duplicates.


To use the Duplicate-File-Finder repository, you can run the driver.py file with the following command:

python driver.py <directory_to_scan> [--verbose]

The <directory_to_scan> argument specifies the directory to scan for duplicate files. The --verbose argument is optional and can be used to output what the scanner is doing to the console.

For example, if you wanted to scan the folder C:\Users\John\Documents for duplicate files and output what the scanner is doing to the console, you would run the following command:

python driver.py C:\Users\John\Documents --verbose

The driver.py file will then scan the directory and its subdirectories recursively and count the number of files and directories that it finds. It will store the hashes and corresponding file paths in a log and create a Hash_info object using the data. Finally, it will export the data collected to a CSV file with a unique ID.

To use the Duplicate-File-Finder repository programmatically, import the filemanager.py and analytics.py files into your project. Create an instance of the Hash_info class and use the get_hash, safe_listdir, and get_dir_info functions to populate the dictionary with hashes and file paths. Then, use the get_duplicates and get_stats functions to find duplicate files and get statistics. Finally, use the export_csv function to export the data to a CSV file.


from filemanager import Hash_info, get_hash, safe_listdir, get_dir_info
from analytics import get_duplicates, get_stats

# Create an instance of the Hash_info class
hash_info = Hash_info()

# Populate the dictionary with hashes and file paths
files = safe_listdir('/path/to/directory')
for f in files:
    hash_info.update(get_hash(f), get_dir_info(f))

# Find duplicate files
duplicates = get_duplicates(hash_info.hashes)

# Get statistics
stats = get_stats(hash_info.hashes)

# Export the data to a CSV file