
An object pool for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


scala-pool is a Scala library for object pooling. The library provides an API and different pool implementations that allow:

  • blocking/non-blocking object acquisition
  • object invalidation
  • capping the number of pooled objects
  • creating new objects lazily, as needed
  • health checking
  • time-based pool eviction (idle instances)
  • GC-based pool eviction (soft and weak references)
  • efficient thread-safety

Build Status Maven Central Coverage License Scaladoc Scaladoc


scala-pool is currently available for Scala 2.12, 2.11 and 2.10, the latest version is 0.4.1.

To use it in an existing SBT project, add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.andrebeat" %% "scala-pool" % "0.4.1"

The latest snapshot version is also available:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.andrebeat" %% "scala-pool" % "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"

It might be necessary to add the Sonatype OSS Snapshot resolver:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

Currently, the library has no external dependencies apart from the Java and Scala standard libraries.


The basic usage of the pool is shown below:

import io.github.andrebeat.pool._

// Creating a `Pool[Object]` with a capacity of 2 instances
val pool = Pool(2, () => new Object)

// Acquiring a lease on an object from the pool (blocking if none available)
val lease = pool.acquire()

// Using the lease
lease { o =>

// The object is returned to the pool at this point

All of the different pool features are exposed in the Pool companion object apply method:

  capacity: Int,                // the maximum capacity of the pool
  factory: () => A,             // the function used to create new objects in the pool
  referenceType: ReferenceType, // the reference type of objects in the pool
  maxIdleTime: Duration,        // the maximum amount of the time that objects are allowed
                                //   to idle in the pool before being evicted
  reset: A => Unit,             // the function used to reset objects in the pool
                                //   (called when leasing an object from the pool)
  dispose: A => Unit,           // the function used to destroy an object from the pool
  healthCheck: A => Boolean)    // the predicate used to test whether an object is
                                //   healthy and should be used, or destroyed otherwise

It is also possible to get a value from a lease and release it (or invalidate) manually.

import io.github.andrebeat.pool._

// Creating a `Pool[Object]` with a capacity of 2 instances
val pool = Pool(2, () => new Object)

// Getting the value from the lease
val obj = lease.get()

// There are currently no objects on the pool
// res0: Int = 0

// But its capacity is 2 (objects are created lazily)
// res1: Int = 2

// There's 1 live object
// res2: Int = 1

// And its currently leased
// res3: Int = 1

// Releasing our lease back to the pool

// Its now in the pool waiting to be reused
// res4: Int = 1

// Closes this pool, properly disposing of each pooled object and 
// releasing any resources associated with the pool

The API is documented in depth in the Scaladoc.


scala-pool is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.