
A quadtree implementation for SWT drawing objects

Primary LanguageJava

  SWT QuadTree

WHAT IS 'SWT QuadTree'?

  SWT QuadTree is an implementation of the quadtree [1] data structure that can hold any type of object but uses SWTs [2] Rectangle type [3] to describe its' bounding box.
  The implementation provides a synchronized thread-safe as well as a faster unsynchronized version.


  Didn't think about that yet. If somebody wants to use this code, feel free to do so. However, it would be nice if you would give me some credits in your product and send me an email to inform me that you're using my stuff ;-).


  [1] Quadtree - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree
  [2] SWT: The Standard Widget Toolkit - http://www.eclipse.org/swt/
  [3] SWT Rectangle Type - http://bit.ly/bypWA5