About this Project

!! This project was hosted on Heroku's free version, until they revoked the free service !!

This project allows the user to receive random oreo pictures as images or in json.

The user can also curl the oreo api by running: $ curl https://oreoapi.herokuapp.com/cookiejar.json

For more information visit: https://oreoapi.herokuapp.com/

For a Step-by-Step Flask tutorial, read this Medium article.


There's a fascinating oreo subculture and cult following that even some of my friends are a part of. This gives me the ability to relate to them more.

Installation & Usage

In your terminal/ command line, make sure you have Python 3 installed (I'm using Python 3.6.8):
$ python3 --version

Libraries Used:

Cloud Platform Used:

After downloading this repository, run the below command inside the repository using the terminal:
$ python3 main.py

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