
📺 A curated list of awesome tools and software for your Home Media Center and TV bingeing!

Awesome Home Media Center Awesome

📺 A curated list of awesome tools and software for your Home Media Center and TV bingeing!




Media Servers

  • Plex - Media server with a full-featured library management and media player with a visually appealing user interface.
  • Kodi - Open source media player and entertainment center with "skinnable" interface.
  • Emby - Media aggregator plugin that takes your media and presents it in a simple, easy to use interface.

Plex Tools

  • PlexPy - A web app for monitoring, analytics, and notifications for Plex Media Server.
  • Plex Trakt Scrobbler - Add what you are watching on Plex to Trakt.tv.
  • Ombi - Ombi allows you to host your own Plex Request and user management system. If you are sharing your Plex server with other users, Ombi allows them to request that new content be added via an easy user interface.
  • Organizr - Create a landing page for your server. Configure tabs for web-based services running on your server and share with other users.

Personal Video Recorders

  • Sonarr - PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. Monitors your favourite shows to grab, sort and rename them.
  • Radarr - A fork of Sonarr that converts Sonarr into Movie grabbing software.

TV Trackers

  • Trakt.tv - Keeps a record of what TV shows and movies you are watching, by scrobbling from Plex, Kodi or Emby.
  • TV Time - Tracks and notifies you of your TV shows with a simple approach to "on deck" shows and upcoming (Previously known as TVShow Time).

Trakt Apps

  • Plex Scrobbler - Synchronizes watched history, ratings, playback progress and lists on Plex to your Trakt.tv profile.
  • Traktflix - Chrome extension that syncs your Netflix history with Trakt.
  • SeriesGuide for Android - Free Trakt.tv client for Android.
  • SERIST - Paid Trakt.tv client for Android and iOS.



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