
jQuery Imageviewer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


title             :sojabox
description       :jQuery Imageviewer
author            :Daniel 'haenebruegge' Brüggemann
license           :WTFPL2
date              :20111225
version           :0.2.1
notes             :
jquery version    :1.7.1


* customize and bind css file
* bind jquery and the sojabox.js
* create a new sojabox object on an elemnt what contains images to show
    * <script type="text/javascript">$('#page p').sojabox();</script>
* a link wrapped around the an image
* use class "sojabox"  in <a> for all images that will show in the view
* all images in e.g: '#page p' are in the same group


* fileext - define a array of strings. Example: new Array('.jpg','.png','.gif')
* image_size - define a array with width and height of floats. Example: new Array(0.85, 1.5),
* nav_button - define a array with width and height of Integer, in 'px'. Example: new Array(32, 32),
* wait_img - path to a wait image, default: 'img/wait.gif'

All shown options are the defaults of sojabox.


    * set commits...
    * check IE compatibility
        * on first click, image will not resize..
    * should sojabox show content, like a external website?!
    * print function
    * zoom function...