
Example code of well structured Selenium tests. Could be used as a starting point or inspiration for writing more tests.

Primary LanguageJava

Selenium 4 Lab


The following steps needs to be performed to run the tests

  • Install Java 11 or later
  • Install Gradle
  • Install a Java development environments, preferably IntelliJ. The community edition can be downloaded at: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
  • Install Google Chrome browser (and/or Firefox)


If IntelliJ is installed you can do the following:

  • Clone the git repository: git clone https://github.com/danbry/selenium-lab-4.git
  • Download all the dependencies (will be automatically done by IntelliJ)
  • Run the tests

Minor test framework

The code and configuration is located in the src/main folder in package se.omegapoint.selenium

  • browser - contains classes for configuring the different browsers
  • infra - contains helper classes for the tests

The Twitter tests

Warning These tests don't work anylonger since Twitter changed their login. The test code is still well structured and a good example how to structure Selenium tests

The tests are structured using the PageObject pattern (to read more: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html).

Test code structure

The code and configuration is located in the src/test folder in package se.omegapoint.selenium.twitter

  • page - contains the page objects
  • Contains the test cases (using JUnit)
    • BaseTest - A base class for the tests to extend
    • LoginTest - Will do a correct login and an incorrect one
    • ProfileTest - Will do a login and go the the profile page
    • TwitterTest - Will send a correct Tweet and try to send a Tweet with 300 characters which will fail.

Test configuration

To run the tests the configuration file config.properties must be updated. It's stored in src/test/resources

  • You will also have to provide a valid Twitter account username and password. All tests except the TwitterTest/correctTweet won't cause any updates but that test will actually send a real Tweet. I'd recommend that you create a test Twitter account if you want to run it.

Swedbank tests

Tests to test Swedbanks demo site https://demo.swedbank.se

The tests are structured using the PageObject pattern (to read more: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). For more info regarding struturing the tests read https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/test_practices/design_strategies/

Test code structure

The code and configuration is located in the src/test folder in package se.omegapoint.selenium.swedbank

  • page - contains the page objects
  • Contains the test cases (using JUnit)
    • SwedbankBaseTest - A base class for the tests to extend
    • SwedbankLoginTest - Will do a correct login and select a private engagement
    • SwedbankAccountTest - Will do a login and go the account information