This repository contains an example backend application for the SAE Cloud Lectures. It demonstrates the use of Docker, Docker Compose, AWS S3, and Terraform in conjunction with Localstack.
docker build -t sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest .
docker run -p 3000:3000 --name running-container sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest
docker stop running-container
docker login
docker tag sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest <your-docker-hub-username>/sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest
docker push <your-docker-hub-username>/sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest
docker rm running-container
docker rmi sae-cloud-lectures-backend:latest
If you are using Docker on a Mac, you need to use the following flag and append it to the docker build
--platform linux/amd64
More on this in the lecture
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
docker compose down