
Documentation for the PhD course 'Science of the Project'

Ciência do Projeto | Science of Project


Documentation for the PhD course 'Science of the Project'

view the main overview | view the session overview | view the reading list | view the assignment | view the slides

| Doutoramento em Design | PhD in Design | Ciência do Projeto | Science of Project | Organização do ano curricular | Organization of the curricular year | Area Projeto | Project 1.o Sem. | 208,0 Horas de trabalho | Hours of work | 21 Horas de Contacto | Hours of contact | Observações | Observations | Avaliação numérica 0-20 | 20-point grading scale

also available as a github website here https://danbz.github.io/sotp_course/


Design orientated research is an area with a long history that is an exciting and dynamic field of investigation. There are established processes and well understood methods of using the generative, divergent nature of design to scientifically investigate and objectively evaluate design work and design outputs and artfacts. These processes often begin with the generation of deeper knowledge around a subject or research area that allows insight and development of evidenced hypotheses. The evaluation of design orientated hypotheses is often based upon tests of efficacy in the context of use of individual design artefacts or prototypes. This information is commonly a combination of quantitative and quantitative data, the two sides giving a greater picture of actual use. Recently the area of ‘Research Though Design‘ (RtD) has become an umbrella phrase to encompass many of these ideas and processes. In this module we discuss Research through Design, it’s scientific and philosophical underpinnings and common approaches and processes used in it’s application in scientific design projects.

Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit

After taking this module students will be able to;

  • Identify and discuss the key principles in ‘Research through Design’
  • Conduct basic design research and propose suitable evaluations of quantitative and qualitative evidence
  • Describe the common structures and project-processes used in design research
  • Identify and evaluate suitable output forms for communication of peer-reviewed scientific design research projects.


Indicative activities and subjects covered in this module include:

  • Introduction to Design Research and Research through Design
  • Disussion of uses of (auto) ethnographic research in design
  • Development and uses of ‘design probes’ in scientific research
  • Development and structuring of projects for design research
  • Techniques for rapid prototyping and design iteration
  • Analysis and Development of user testing techniques
  • Scientific evaluation of qualitative data in the context of design

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes To demonstrate the achievement of students in line with the stated learning goals the students will;

  • Design, develop and undertake a Design Research project
  • The project will illustrate observational research and use of design probe techniques in data gathering relevant to the assignment subject.
  • Students will iterate and evaluate a design derived from their research evidence.
  • Students will select suitable documentation styles to communicate their Design Research project using a commonly accepted format for peer-reviewed scientific research.

Teaching methodologies and evaluation

Delivery of the learning material will be conducted by

  • Lectures with supporting materials
  • Seminar discussion with clarification and feedback.
  • Online discussion and feedback.
  • Exemplar material and projects
  • Reading materials

Evaluation is made through

  • Suitable project demonstration
  • A formal written paper in the style and format of a peer reviewed scientific conference.

Grading and assessment

Grading will be assigned by the module teaching staff in a range from 0 to 20.
