iPhone 7 Jet-black Reservation System

  • To Start Server:
node backend/server.js

It's also available to change model and store in server.js

This is now only available for make reservation for

iPhone 7/7 Plus Jet Black in

  • Support Area

  • China Mainland

  • Hong Kong SAR

  • Japan

Automatically Reservation Redirect is still under progress

NOTE: We it monitors the iPhone 7, you may manually order by this link before


Please fill the store(example : R359) and partNumber(example: MNH12CH/A)

Area code is also supported to modify

CN/zh_CN   Mainland China

HK/zh_HK   Hong Kong SAR

JP/ja_JP   Japan

AE/en_AE   UAE


It supported Yunpian SMS API in Mainland China for SMS notification.

You may fill the apikey and mobile/mobile2(or more) manaully.

It will send the first available Jet Black iPhone 7 to your mobile by SMS.

License : MIT