
Terraform modules to setup Vault on AWS

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform Vault

Terraform module(s) to setup Vault on AWS


This terraform module sets up a HA vault with a DynamoDB backend. The module sets up TLS using Letsencrypt with dns-01 challenge.

Both vault servers are optionally configured with Teleport for SSH management.

Two route53 records are provided to access the individual instances.

Available variables

Name Description Type Default Required
acm_arn The ACM ARN to use on the alb string - yes
ami The AMI ID to use for the vault instances string - yes
dns_root The root domain to configure for vault string production.skyscrape.rs no
download_url_teleport The download url for Teleport string https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/releases/download/v2.3.5/teleport-v2.3.5-linux-amd64-bin.tar.gz no
download_url_vault The download url for vault string https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.9.0/vault_0.9.0_linux_amd64.zip no
dynamodb_max_read_capacity The max read capacity of the Vault dynamodb table string 100 no
dynamodb_max_write_capacity The max write capacity of the Vault dynamodb table string 100 no
dynamodb_min_read_capacity The min read capacity of the Vault dynamodb table string 5 no
dynamodb_min_write_capacity The min write capacity of the Vault dynamodb table string 5 no
dynamodb_table_name_override Override Vault's DynamoDB table name with this variable. This module will generate a name if this is left empty (default behavior) string `` no
enable_dynamodb_autoscaling Enables the autoscaling feature on the Vault dynamodb table string true no
environment Name of the environment where to deploy Vault (just for naming reasons) string - yes
instance_type The instance type to use for the vault servers string t2.micro no
key_name Name of the sshkey to deploy on the vault instances string - yes
lb_internal Should the ALB be created as an internal Loadbalancer string false no
lb_subnets The subnets to use for the alb list - yes
le_email The email address that's going to be used to register to LetsEncrypt string - yes
le_staging Whether to use the LetsEncrypt staging server or not. Recommended when running tests string false no
project Name of the project string - yes
teleport_auth_server The hostname or ip of the Teleport auth server. If empty, Teleport integration will be disabled (default). string `` no
teleport_node_sg The security-group ID of the teleport server string `` no
teleport_token_1 The Teleport token for the first instance. This can be a dynamic short-lived token string `` no
teleport_token_2 The Teleport token for the second instance. This can be a dynamic short-lived token string `` no
vault1_subnet The subnet ID for the first vault instance string - yes
vault2_subnet The subnet ID for the second vault instance string - yes
vault_nproc The amount of nproc to configure vault with. Set this to the amount of CPU cores string 1 no
vpc_id The VPC id to launch the instances in string - yes


Name Description
alb_arn The alb ARN
alb_id The alb id
alb_main_target_group The default alb target group ARN
alb_sg_id The alb security group ID
alb_vault1_target_group The vault1 target group ARN
alb_vault2_target_group The vault2 target group ARN
dynamodb_table_name The Vault dynamodb table name
iam_policy The iam policy ARN used for vault
sg_id The vault security-group id
vault1_instance_id The vault1 instance ID
vault1_role_id The vault1 instance-role ID
vault1_role_name The vault1 instance-role name
vault1_route53_record The vault1 route53 record id
vault2_instance_id The vault2 instance ID
vault2_role_id The vault2 instance-role ID
vault2_role_name The vault2 instance-role name
vault2_route53_record The vault2 route53 record id
vault_route53_record The main vault route53 record id


module "ha_vault" {
  source               = "github.com/skyscrapers/terraform-vault//vault?ref=1.0.0"
  teleport_auth_server = ""
  ami                  = "ami-add175d4"
  project              = "whatever"
  vault1_subnet        = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.private_app_subnets[0]}"
  vault2_subnet        = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.private_app_subnets[1]}"
  teleport_node_sg     = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.teleport_node_sg_id}"
  vpc_id               = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.vpc_id}"
  lb_subnets           = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.public_lb_subnets}"
  acm_arn              = "${data.aws_acm_certificate.vault.arn}"
  teleport_token_1     = "c010f4fa754b7ad2a7a1d580e282d81b"
  teleport_token_2     = "6b69a780b9137g467f79ab7263337fd6"
  dns_root             = "${var.dns_root}"
  vault_nproc          = "2"
  key_name             = "sam"

Upgrade from v1.x to v2.x

Starting from v2.0.0 of this module, the name of Vault's DynamoDB table will be dynamically generated from the values of "${var.project}" and "${var.environment}". In previous versions it was hardcoded to vault-dynamodb-backend, so to avoid breaking current deployments, we've introduced a new variable dynamodb_table_name_override to force a specific name for the DynamoDB table. So if you're upgrading from a previous version of the module, you'll probably want to set dynamodb_table_name_override=vault-dynamodb-backend so Terraform doesn't recreate the table.