
A base Java Web App with Spring + Flyway + JUnit + Mockito

Primary LanguageCSS


A base Java Web App with Spring + Flyway + JUnit + Mockito and some more stuff.

Why create a base project?

Every time I have to start a new Java project I loose some time configuring it. And as my memory is not elefant like, I forget some steps and run into some beautiful and large Java stack traces. So, I created this project, configured and ready to start with almost every Java must have framework that I use in Web Dev.

Hope you like it! =D


This project only needs Java 6 and Maven 3.


As the project is already configured with Jetty Embbed you can run it with the following comand:

mvn clean jetty:run-war

What it has?

The detailed configurations are in the index.html that can be checked after aplication deploy (as explained above on the inscruction).