
Random Password Generator package for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Random password Generator

PyPI version CircleCI

A minimal and custom random password generator.

[NOTICE] API and WEB versions are now moved to https://github.com/suryasr007/rpg-web


  • Install the package.
  • Import the package.
  • Create an instance
  • Modify the default properties. (Optional)
  • Generate the password (Default length of password 6-16 unless specified via properties).
  pip install random-password-generator
  from password_generator import PasswordGenerator

  pwo = PasswordGenerator()


property Description Default
minlen Minimum length of the password 6
maxlen Maximum length of the password 16
minuchars Minimum upper case characters required in password 1
minlchars Minimum lower case characters required in password 1
minnumbers Minimum numbers required in password 1
minschars Minimum special characters in the password 1

Update V2.2.0

Application is now minimal(No dependencies). The API and WEB version are moved to https://github.com/suryasr007/rpg-web

Update V2.1.0

Application uses secrets module instead of random module on Python environments above 3.6.

Update V1.1.0

From version 1.1.0, Characters can be excluded from the required password by setting the properties on PasswordGenerator object


  pwo = PasswordGenerator()

  pwo.excludeuchars = "ABCDEFTUVWXY" # (Optional)
  pwo.excludelchars = "abcdefghijkl" # (Optional)
  pwo.excludenumbers = "012345" # (Optional)
  pwo.excludeschars = "!$%^" # (Optional)

Generate a custom password

  pwo = PasswordGenerator()

  # All properties are optional
  pwo.minlen = 30 # (Optional)
  pwo.maxlen = 30 # (Optional)
  pwo.minuchars = 2 # (Optional)
  pwo.minlchars = 3 # (Optional)
  pwo.minnumbers = 1 # (Optional)
  pwo.minschars = 1 # (Optional)


Generate a password from given characters

  pwo = PasswordGenerator()

  # It takes two arguments
  # required characters and length of required password
  pwo.shuffle_password('sdafasdf#@&^#&234u8', 20)

Generate Non Duplicate Password

  pwo = PasswordGenerator()

  # length of required password


Contributions are welcomed via PR.
