
Integrate elinks and vim

Primary LanguageVimL


This Vim plugin integrates Vim with ELinks (the text-mode web browser).





<leader> is your mapleader. Probably , or \

Longer version:

<leader>o opens the hyperlink under or after the cursor in ELinks
<leader>O opens the hyperlink under or after the cursor in a new ELinks tab

<C-j> moves the cursor to the next hyperlink in the Vim buffer
<C-k> moves the cursor to the previous hyperlink

:[n]LMarks prints the last n ELinks bookmarks into the Vim buffer (default n is 1)
:[n]LHist prints the last n items from ELinks' history into the Vim buffer (default n is 1)

To use this plugin, you must have ELinks already running in another Terminal window or Tmux/Screen pane. The plugin talks to the running instance of ELinks.


I like to keep my notes and web URLs in plain text files, edited in Vim. But I grew tired to copying and pasting URLs from Firefox to Vim and vice versa. I already enjoyed using ELinks to read webpages with less distraction. It was natural to try to come up with a more integrated workflow between these two applications.

Web bookmarks are important data. But most web browsers and bookmark management tools make this data clunky to export and hard to impossible to use with Unix tools. Vim + ELinks + plain text files are a good alternative & more in tune with the Unix philosophy.



Copy plugin/elinks.vim to ~/.vim/plugin/

Quick install:

curl https://raw.github.com/danchoi/elinks.vim/master/plugin/elinks.vim > ~/.vim/plugin/elinks.vim


If you want to change the keybindings, just edit the nnoremap lines at the bottom of the plugin file.