Twitter Streaming


  • Individual tweet analysis
    • Emojis
    • Hashtags
      • More tests
    • Photos
    • Url domains
  • Aggregate tweet analysis
    • Total number of tweets
    • Number of tweets by second/minute/hour
    • Top emojis
    • Percent of tweets containing emojis
    • Top hashtags
    • Percent of tweets container a URL
    • Percent of tweets containing a photo URL
    • Top domains in URLs
  • Interface to display results
  • Parallelism
  • Automatic failure recovery
  • Approximate data structures
  • Error handling for environment variables

Getting Started


  • sbt


  1. Set your Twitter credentials in the following environment variables:
  1. sbt run


  • Total number of tweets received
    • Intermediate: Nothing
    • Aggregate: Int (total number of tweets)
  • Average tweets per hour/minute/second
    • Intermediate: Created at time DateTime
    • Aggregate: (DateTime, Int)?
  • Top emojis in tweets
    • Intermediate: Map[Char, Int]
    • Aggregate: PriorityQueue[(Char, Int)]?
  • Percent of tweets that contains emojis
    • Intermediate: Use intermediate for "top emojis in tweets"
    • Aggregate: Int (total number of tweets containing emoji)
  • Top hashtags
    • Intermediate: Map[String, Int]
    • Aggregate: PriorityQueue[(String, Int)]?
  • Percent of tweets that contain a url
    • Intermediate: Bool
    • Aggregate: Int (total number of tweets containing a URL)
  • Percent of tweets that contain a photo URL ( or instagram)
    • Intermediate: Bool
    • Aggregate: Int (total number of tweets containing a photo URL)
  • Top domains of urls in tweets
    • Intermediate: [String]
    • Aggregate: ???

Message types

  • Blank lines
  • Status deletion notices (delete)
  • Location deletion notices (scrub_geo)
  • Limit notices (limit)
  • status_withheld
  • user_withheld
  • Disconnect messages (disconnect)
  • Stall warnings (warning)
  • User update