- POST screenshots to the supplied endpoint, result returned in JSON
- JSON format follows https://www.mokhet.com/MFF/
- Data should be POSTed in FormData object, with attributes "file" and "mode"
var formData = new FormData(); ..... ..... // Append any number of files formData.append("file", file) // defaults to multi if not specified formData.append("mode", "single")
- single mode only processes the first file found
- Most image sizes should work now that Tesseract is trained, tested with width 800 & above
- I'm currently using this library for image compression : https://www.npmjs.com/package/compress.js
- with settings <100kB, quality 0.85, maxWidth/Height 2000, resize true
- any compression method which preserves image resolution with decent quality should work
- Working resolutions
- 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 18.5:9, will add 3:2 soon, accepting requests
- Accepted file formats
- Max request limit : 15 MB
- CORS should hopefully be working
These are the only two page types currently supported :
- There are 3 scenarios for a submitted file :
- Success - details page
- Success - gear page - matching 1 or more characters. Cannot assume that all the gear names will be the same - if cannot match OCR exactly, will look for any similar ones
- Failure (error codes):
- 1 : Invalid file format
- 2 : OCR failed/not supported screenshot page
- 3 : Aspect ratio not supported
- 4 : No file sent/found
- There are 4 scenarios for any file submitted :
- Invalid file type - no JSON response
- Failure - not a supported screenshot page type or OCR failed, base64 thumbnail sent back
- Success - character detail page or gear page with unique gear name (can identify character), base64 thumbnail and character json sent back
- if character gear screenshot, tier set to 1, random uniform assigned
- Ambiguous/duplicate gear name - same gear name used by multiple characters, may be same or different gear number, base64 thumbnail + character list + gear json sent back
"success" : "true",
"type" : "gear",
"content" : {
"char_list" : {
"sharon_rogers" : 1,
"octopus" : 3,
..... // if more than 1 character with same gear name
"gear_val" : [
{"type" : "energy_attack_by_level", "val" : 48.5, "pref" : false},
.... // total 8 values
"success" : "true",
"type" : "details",
"content" : {
"id": "sharon_rogers",
"uniform": "ca_75",
"tier": 2,
"phys_att": 7949,
"energy_att": 12623,
"atkspeed": 103.58,
"crit_rate": 31.04,
"critdamage": 130.04,
"defpen": 50.0,
"ignore_dodge": 0.0,
"phys_def": 7414,
"energy_def": 7247,
"hp": 17818,
"recorate": 108.12,
"dodge": 75.0,
"movspeed": 105.61,
"debuff": 8.08,
"scd": 37.24
"success" : "false",
"error" : 1
"time_taken" : 0,
"number_total_files" : 3,
"number_invalid_files" : 1,
"successful" : [{"<thumbnail_base64_src>" : "<result_json>"},....],
"failures" : ["<thumbnail_base64_src>",....],
"duplicate_gears" :
[{"thumbnail_base64": "<thumbnail_base64_src>",
"gear_json" : "<gear_json>",
"gear_name" : "<gear_name>",
"char_list" : {"<char_alias>" : <gear_number>,.....}]
"defense": {"energy": 0, "physical": 0},
"hp": 0,
"critrate": 0.0,
"atkspeed": 0.0,
"lastUpdate": 0,
"gear": [
[{"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": "energy_attack_by_level"}, {"val": 28.0, "pref": false, "type": "all_attack"}, {"val": 57.0, "pref": false, "type": "energy_attack"}, {"val": 80.0, "pref": false, "type": "all_attack"}, {"val": 109.0, "pref": false, "type": "all_attack"}, {"val": 131.0, "pref": false, "type": "all_attack"}, {"val": 172.0, "pref": false, "type": "energy_attack"}, {"val": 210.0, "pref": false, "type": "all_attack"}],
[{"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}],
[{"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}],
[{"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}, {"val": 0.0, "pref": false, "type": ""}]],
"uniform": "ca_75",
"debuff": 0.0,
"ignore_dodge": 0.0,
"recorate": 0.0,
"skills": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
"critdamage": 0.0,
"attack": {"energy": 0, "physical": 0},
"tier": 1,
"dodge": 0.0,
"id": "sharon_rogers",
"movspeed": 0.0,
"uniforms": {},
"scd": 0.0,
"defpen": 0.0
{"pref": false, "type": "physical_attack", "val": 45.2},
{"pref": false, "type": "physical_attack", "val": 0.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "", "val": 60.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "physical_attack", "val": 91.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "all_attack", "val": 112.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "physical_attack", "val": 138.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "all_attack", "val": 155.0},
{"pref": false, "type": "physical_attack", "val": 213.0}